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Primary Culture

+2 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Exiled ShadowmancersHufumen's School of the Shadow Veil originated as a shadowmancer cult on the Ascension Peninsula operating in the early first millennium AA. Using their skills in the shadow arts, they were able to manipulate and control other harimari via espionage, trickery, and assassination - but though this brought them great power, it was not to last. When other harimari learned of the dishonourable actions of the shadowmancer cult, they were hunted down and exiled first from the Ascension Peninsula, and then from Rahen entirely. After a great deal of travelling, the Shadowmancers found refuge in the lands of Xianjie, and here adapted to the local culture of monastic martial arts while retaining their art of shadowmancy.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Jaerel’s LifelineWhile most in Xianjie saw the Phoenix Empire as an invader, the Hufumen were an exception. While the shadowmancers were grateful to the Xiaken for taking them in, many of their number longed to return to the Ascension Peninsula. The Phoenix Empire’s reorganisation of many old power structures across Haless promised to eliminate those who still watched for the exiles - but no sooner had such work begun than Jaher was struck down. Seeing their opportunity crumbling before their eyes, the Hufumen became loyal supporters of Jaerel, propping up his government from the shadows in an attempt to save the Phoenix Empire and bring about their homecoming. When Jaerel’s protectors abandoned him and he was slain by Yantrakari assassins, the dream of returning home finally died.
+50% Foreign Spy Detection
+25% Spy Network Construction

Mentors of NathalyneWhile the goddess Nathalyne first learned the art of Shadowmancy in the lands of Yantrakari, it was in Hufumen that she honed and mastered these skills. After convincing Hufumen to align with Jaerel, they agreed to teach her all they knew about the shadow arts so that she could keep the Phoenix Emperor safe. Nathalyne proved to be an excellent student, naturally excelling at the craft and progressing to learn the secrets of the Shadow Dance from the masters of the Shadow veil. Combining her training among the Hufumen and the Yantrakari, Nathalyne became one of the most skilled and lethal shadowmancers in all the world. After completing her training, no rival shadowmancer was ever able to best her in direct combat - and only when she abandoned Jaerel’s dream did the Phoenix Emperor die. While the elven emperor is no more, the techniques that produced Nathalyne are still alive in Hufumen, and the students here train diligently in the arts that produced the goddess of shadows herself.
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

The Land of Eternal PeaceThe name of Hufumen's capital, Yongning, can be translated as 'Eternal Peace'. This name does not refer to the idea of peace from conflict, but rather internal peace and stability. After the Hufumen abandoned the idea of ever returning to the Ascension Peninsula, they dedicated themselves to making Xianjie their perfect new home. While the Looming Shadow school of Yantrakari is known for assassinating the enemies of the Xiaken, the Shadow Veil school of Hufumen instead focuses on protecting the leaders of the Xiaken from outside interference. Most shadowmancers of the Shadow Veil school focus their powers on espionage and sabotage, rather than killing. Their techniques include the eponymous Shadow Veil, allowing a shadowmancer to become almost invisible. This makes the agents of Hufumen masters of stealth, their spies uncovering even the most closely guarded secrets and plots that may destabilise the Xiaken. Any monk of the Xiaken will think twice before accepting bribes or deals from outside powers, lest the spies of Hufumen expose their secrets.
-0.15 Yearly Corruption

The Shadow DanceWhile the general focus of the Shadow Veil school is on espionage rather than combat, the masters of the school are an exception. The most skilled and ambitious Shadow Veil monks are taught the technique of the Shadow Dance, a series of fluid movements and arcane gestures executed with swiftness and a dancer’s elegance. These forms, and the power they bring, allow the master to seemingly become one with their shadow as they unleash a torrent of attacks against their opponent. Those who master this technique become almost impossible to both strike and defend against, making them a considerable threat to anyone who dares challenge them.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Tiger SealThe shadowmancer cult has been known by many names during their long existence, but took the name of Hufumen - 'the Tiger Seal’ - when settling in the lands of Xianjie. The title originates from the great storehouses of dangerous and forbidden knowledge guarded by the shadowmancers, a consequence of their skill at counter-espionage. Hufumen alone of all the monks of Xianjie had the skills to prevent foreign agents and Lefthand-path saboteurs from stealing the Xia’s secrets, and over the years much was entrusted to their watch. To this day, the Sealed Vault of Hufumen contains a vast collection of knowledge that remains hidden to all but the most trusted Xiaken, and the order itself forms the living seal that defends these forbidden texts.
+10% Fort Defence
-5% Technology Cost

Tea Gardens of YongningYongning is well known for its production of high-quality tea, and many of the Xia will travel to Yongning to sample this delicacy. While this naturally helps the merchants of Yongning live a comfortable life, it also helps Hufumen maintain its influence over Xiaken affairs. With many notable persons travelling to Yongning, important meetings between temples are occasionally held here. This presents a prime opportunity for the spies of Hufumen to keep tabs on the secrets passed between the Xiaken leadership and utilise them for Hufumen’s own diplomatic gains.
+10% Production Efficiency


