Honderaak Ideas

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+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+25% Improve Relations

Dogs of WarAs we arrived in Anbennar, there were many detriments to our reputation. Gnolls are not well-liked or well trusted here, and we have to work hard to improve our standing. However, one aspect of our reputation has been very valuable: we are known far and wide as unrelenting and resilient warriors. As such, mercenaries from Honderaak have had a very easy time finding well-paid work. Eager to get in on this lucrative business, many more Dovesworn Gnolls have started work as sellswords as either their primary occupation, or just on the side to make some extra crowns.
+50% Army Tradition From Battles
+100% Possible Condottieri

Two-Faced DiplomacyThe Dovesworn Gnolls tip-toe a fine balance of maintaining a reputation between bloodthirstiness and civilised demeanour. To gain acceptance within the Empire of Anbennar we have had to change the way we dress, the way we talk, the way we act, all to prove ourselves just as civilised as the next race. But we have also found that if we go too far in this, we would be seen as servile and would soon lose our state. We must never forget what made gnolls the bane of Castanor, and use our ancient infamy to open doors - as first, mercenaries, and then, friends. The torch on our coat of arms might be the light that guides gnollkind to civilization, yet it also holds in memory the threat of the fires that our ancestors have set as they raided and pillaged these lands, and what we would do to ensure our survival.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

War of the Copper HillsThe war in which Busilar drove us from the Khenak Range is a bitter memory to us. We lost our homeland, and though we did not give it up without a long and bitter fight, in the end we were overcome, and forced to find a new life in Anbennar. But now, we must look to the future. We are a new people, with a new homeland, and these bitter memories contain valuable lessons. We must remember our origins, learn from our mistakes, and improve upon our strengths, in order for this homeland to be a permanent one.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Neo-Gnollish ArchitectureAs the waves of gnollish refugees arrived in Anbennar after the War of the Copper Hills, we were forced to take a pragmatic approach to everything, from religion to local customs. This was also the case when it came to building our new homes, as we had to provide all of them with roof and hearth in a very short period of time. Our stonemasons and carpenters have developed a very scrappy type of architecture, as they have become very adept at knowing what corners can be cut without the house falling down.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Construction Time

CantonsThe clan structures of our Hillthrone ancestors always kept power decentralized, allowing for a degree of freedom and self-determination by tradition and convention. As we adapt to the Anbennarian ways around us, however, we find it is increasingly necessary to ground these traditions in law. Because of this we have created small administrative divisions called cantons, which are governed by a combination of hereditary clan leadership as well as representatives chosen by its inhabitants.
-2 National Unrest

One Man's Trash, Another Gnoll's TreasureHonderaak has not been among the wealthier parts of the Empire of Anbennar, and our people have often had to make do with very little to endure their hardships. This has, however, made us very resourceful. The average Dovesworn Gnoll can look at any odd pile of what is supposed to be garbage, and immediately pick out anything and everything of value. As such, our merchants have become very good at picking out goods that are undervalued or even disposed of, in order to sell them where they are needed for significant profit margins.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Akcykx Scrap GunIn the late 19th century, a Dovesworn Gnoll weaponsmith and artificer by the name of Argex Akcykx invented the not very creatively named Akcykx Scrap Gun. This weapon is unique in that instead of shooting conventional bullets, it is able to convert almost anything, from metal scraps to coins, into deadly projectiles.\n\nWhile not accurate or precise by any stretch of the imagination, it gets the job done, leaving brutal lacerations on its victims, and thanks to its cheap maintenance and versatility, it become widely used by people all around the globe, with name Akcykx being inexorably tied to revolution and mercenaries in equal measure.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

+15% Movement Speed