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Primary Culture

+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
+1 Missionaries

Nexus of Jadd MagicUnder the New Sun Cult, only elves were allowed to practice magic, with humans capable of casting spells forced to emigrate elsewhere or face death if caught using the 'elven' magics. The gnolls of Zokka's pack were even worse - those even suspected to be capable of magic were taken away, assuredly to be sacrificed in fiendish rituals.\n\nThough Hašr was never the most strict about enforcing the elven mandate, all of it came to change once the Jadd liberated us from the gnolls. Finally, those humans with magical talent were able to practice their craft openly, and our humble lands quickly became a home for those with magical capabilities. Originally taught by converted elves, magical tutelage was soon formalized and mages trained within Hašr have been responsible for winning countless battles for the light of the Jadd.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

A Fateful MeetingHašr can pride itself on its fervent resistance to Zokka. No matter how many terror parties were sent, no matter how many were publicly sacrificed to pacify the rest, our citizens never gave up on the hope of the light gracing them once again. The leader of this resistance was an individual named Marudeen szal-Akur, known as the "Hašr Hawk", and he was - and still is - one of the most popular figures in the area. Upon hearing of Zokka's death, they mobilized the entire country for a rising against the gnolls and what seemed to be the invading elves.\n\nCalmer minds prevailed, and the Hašr Hawk was eventually coaxed into requesting an audience with Jaddar himself. He came away from this meeting a fervent follower of the Jadd, and the endorsement of the Hawk was enough to bring much of the country over to feel similarly. His legacy might be seen even today, for the Hašr are some of Surael's most unconditional followers.
+1 Monthly Fervour
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Half Elf HavenMuch of Bulwar was, before the coming of the Jadd, fervently hostile towards half-elves. Believing them abominations born of miscegenation, many akalates put them to death for diluting the chosen people. Until the coming of Zokka, the lands of Hašr took a similar approach. This rule found itself unenforced under the chains of the Devourer-of-Suns, for the simple survival of any with elven blood was enough of an accomplishment to spill any of it, diluted or otherwise. Though born of necessity, this tolerance became deliberate under the Jadd, and the mingling of races seen as just another piece of the plan for them all.\n\nThis tolerance did not go unnoticed by the inhabitants of the akalates - an exodus to Hašr was far more appealing, and far easier, for any refugee half-elves than any other. The cultural and intellectual skillbase of these high-elves allowed Hašr to flourish. Even now, we are able to draw more advisors from those who others have shunned.
+2 Possible Advisors

Growth of LentilsThere is little land in the world like the plains of Suran. It is said that these lands are so fertile that one could walk barefoot through the soil and need to pick the seeds off of their feet. The plants of Suran are happy to produce seeds, seemingly content with the knowledge that they have been blessed with the chance to grow there. The most plentiful of all are the lentils, the lifegiver of Hašr.\n\nFound all over the Surani plains, these lentils seem to grow in a thousand thousand different ways, and each one is a trade of its own to master. Farmers from the vicinity of Hašr are especially talented at manipulating these crops, and their experience at farming has led them to become desired all over the Jadd Empire for their ability to make any lentil plant blossom as if it was within Suran.
+10% Production Efficiency

Penance for the GnollsIf one were to ask what the most important principle of the Jadd was, it is in Hašr that all would answer without hesitation that it was tolerance - that all peoples shine the same under Surael's light. Of course, it is also that most in Hašr would agree that the road there is longer than most for the gnolls. It is said that Zokka Devourer-of-Darkness could not convince a regiment from Hašr to follow him until he had farmed lentils for over a year, and could coax their riches out of the soil as naturally as any farmer.\n\nThough many in the Empire would hesitate to use force to subjugate the wicked, the denizens of Hašr have no such qualms. Having learned from pacifying the gnolls, commanders from Hašr understand that the only way to make light is through fire.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

Spell TabletsThough Hašr had little in the way of ambition for grand monuments, the Jadd Empire saw fit to prepare a great monument to Surael, and all his children - adopted or natural. It was to a small, unassuming shrine in Hašr proper that they sought to do so. While renovating the building to prepare for the new construction, a secret chamber was discovered under the floor. Exploration of this chamber discovered faded magical relics and, more importantly, a series of spell tablets. Divination-dated to shortly after Jaher's conquest of Far Bulwar, these spell tablets appeared to be the buried research of a figure whose name could not be found.\n\nRegardless of who they were, their genius was unprecedented - the spells within this shrine were all of destructive power, in ways never even considered otherwise. Though the enemy can try to prepare for a fireball, the full glory of the sun is withering no matter how much one tries to shade themselves; Indeed, few expect the very sun above to turn on them and them alone.
+10% Shock Damage

Camel Back RangersThough all beings capable of accepting it can be the children of Surael, the myriad beasts of the land of Bulwar simply cannot share the same blessing. It is their nature to prey upon the innocent, and this nature is one that cannot be overcome. This says nothing of the bandits, be they desperate Sun Elves or other highwaymen, quick to infest the lands of the Jadd Empire when her troops march to war. Though they are far from identical, both bandit and monster will disappear into the sands at the first sign of trouble, which while alleviating the problem never quite solves it.\n\nIt was for this that the Hašr rangers were trained, to prepare a permanent solution to the hindrance of commerce. Lamashtus, chimeras, sphinxes, bandits, all fell equally to the rifle. Trained to ride camels, these rangers were responsible for protecting caravans and pursuing any fleeing raiders through the desert. The lessons learned through their battles with beasts and men are invaluable to cavalry commanders.
+25% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+1 Land Leader Shock

+1 Max Promoted Cultures


