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Primary Culture

+10% Production Efficiency
+20% Trade Steering

Defend Against BamdikizyThe warmongering state of Bamdikizy has always dreamed of conquering our rich and beloved home. We must show them that their hounds stand no chance against our hilltop defences and the brave souls who defend them. If they do dare to assault our earthen walls and ramparts they will pay in blood and sweat under the scorching heat.
+20% Fort Defence

Family TraditionsIn Hasakely the family is seen as the most important part of society. Families in Hasakely often consist of multiple generations and cousins are often considered as siblings, further cementing the bond. Through marriages and brotherhood, we have a wide connection of contacts and favours with the locals and even the small tribes which inhabit our hills. These connections will surely help us both in peace and in war, as they know that they won’t just be fighting for their country but for their loved ones as well.
+1 Possible Advisors
+10% Manpower in same Culture Group provinces

Human AdvisorsWhile we do have to cater for their doubled needs, the doublings have been a great addition to our nation. Their mercantile background has aided us in improving the local economy and their contacts have greatly increased the market for our honey and other local products. Integrating them into our court will help us bring in new innovative ideas and give us an advantage over the other Vyzemby states.
+5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
-5% Idea Cost

Elephant ChariotHasakely has always used elephants for a number of things, be it as caravans, transport or even for war. Recently though one of our lizardfolk advisors suggested that we utilise elephants as moving towers. The Mpitifalefa was born. Our musketeers sitting in their palisades can eliminate our targets from a distance. The elephant is covered in thin but effective armour so as to keep it protected. If a foe dares to challenge the Mpitifalefa, they will simply be trampled.
+0.25 Cavalry Fire
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Lizardfolk AuxiliaryThe lizardfolk are the largest of the minorities in our nation. They play an important part in Hasakely’s military, thanks to their prowess in combat. Lizardfolk often are found leading our regiments but their might is truly shown in the auxiliary. The auxiliary unit, made of the fiercest lizardfolk in our nation, head first into battle. Upon seeing them, our foes piss themselves.
+10% Shock Damage

Hill TribesThe small but numerous tribes which dot our hills are loyal and friendly towards the nation; using our favours and bonds, such as through marriage, we can easily recruit and hire these hardy hill folk to be instructors for our army, as well as to join the ranks as some of our most stalwart warriors. Many of these tribal leaders also form part of the ‘moot’, which is a sort of council which represents the tribes and rural folk in our nation. This makes the tribes more loyal and throughout our history not one has broken their oath of allegiance to Hasakely.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Three PeoplesOur nation has achieved harmony between the halflings, humans and the lizardfolk. Through our policies we have inspired the finest of each race, giving us a well-founded advantage over others. We are a shining example of how the three peoples of these islands we so dearly love can cooperate and prosper.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

-2 National Unrest


