Harimraj Ideas

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-20% Core-Creation Cost
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Harimar's LegacyOnce, the legendary hero Harimar led his people, the harimari, to dominate the lands of Haless. His legacy, of glorious conquest lives on in the hearts and minds of all Harimari today. Someday soon, all of Halann will tremble before the might of the harimari.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Harimari in the Van, Humans on the FlanksThough fierce fighters, and obviously far superior to the various humans of Rahen, harimari are relatively few in number. As such, Dhenijnraj's military has been adapted so that, although Dhenijanraj maintains an elite core of harimari foot soldiers, a majority of the ranks are filled by humans. This allows its army to maintain a harimari standard of quality, without sacrificing quantity.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Domination of HalessWith Rahen secured, the new, centralised harimari state was far from satisfied. Instead, it's armies would spread out, in an attempt to secure an even wider swathe of Rahen under the unifying banner of the Raja.
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier

Fighting Spirit'I would rather die with my fangs bared than live with my claws shackled' - last words of General Veseduva Nasiri, before being executed by Jaher, the Phoenix King
+10% Morale of Armies

Rahen Caste SystemSince Harimar the Great conquered Rahen, a new power structure arose. It adapted the old Rahenraj caste system and rearranged it. Harimari sit at the top, as the class of administrators and lords. Below them sit the warriors, first harimari and then human Raheni. Below them sit the rest of the castes, those of merchants, craftsmen, farmers and others. Each filled with humans. Everyone knows that they belong to their caste for a reason, and they are expected to stay within it to live a good life.
-1 National Unrest

Managing the Human CastesAlthough the Harimraj truly ruled all of Rahen, they were still a minority amongst the vast Human population. As such, in order to manage the populace of the Human castes, the harimari administration was opened up to more Raheni bureaucrats, in order to ensure the continued internal peace of the Raj.
+3 Max Promoted Cultures

Harimraj AdministrationWith the Harimraj centralised and secured, the Rajas would not be satisfied with a mere fraction of Harimar's empire. Instead, their armies would spread out across the continent, in order to bring all Harimari land, and more, into their new empire. In order to properly administer this new land, a new generation of bureaucrats would be brought on in order to attempt to properly administer not just Rahen, but the entire continent of Haless.
+5% Administrative Efficiency

-5 Years of Separatism