Haraigizenhian Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+20% Improve Relations

The Drunk SisterOf the three cities that formed the Three Sister's Alliance, or Guvkeshevdel, Haraigizenhi Bulrek is known as the Drunk Sister due to the incredible amounts of breweries gracing the streets of our fair city, which itself was founded around a frontiersmen distillery long ago.
+10% Production Efficiency

Arbitrators of the AllianceHaraigizenhi Bulrek often served to settle disputes between the other cities of Guvkeshevdel, Khugatseig and Tzidoilhol. Feuds would be settled in a Haraigizenhian tavern over drinks and presided over by our own diplomats.
-25% Diplomatic Advisor Cost

Haraig RationsOur guardsmen are issued hearty rations of bread and meats, though the best part of their meal is the virtually endless supply of drink that comes with serving to protect our city.
+8% Morale of Armies

Drinking SongsOriginally uttered by drunk men in our drinking halls, our men march to the tune of a variety of drinking songs. Our jovial melodies have been spread throughout the Federation thanks to this, drastically increasing our cultural influence in the islands.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Grand DistilleriesTo cope with the massive increase in demand for our drink that comes with an expanding population, entire sections of our city have been converted into great distilleries, some as large as a small village!
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

Convincing CampaignsOne of the main parts of a Haraigizenhian political campaign is the dispensing of haraig from the hopeful khoidarg's distillery. Typically the one with the highest quality brew and the most generous hand earns their position as our leader.
-15% Reelection Cost

Tavern BrawlersWe have a long standing tradition of settling our disputes through brawling in our drinking halls, ensuring the feud is settled there and doesn't leave the walls of our taverns. Our soldiers have grown up under this system and bring their drunken bravado to the battlefield.
+10% Shock Damage

+1 Diplomatic Reputation