Hag religion

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Night Coven

{ReligiousDescription|religion=night_coven|description=Representing a wide range of folklore and shamanistic practices, from twisted versions of the troll's original giant myth to local cults worshiped by human tribes. The Night Coven unites all of this with the fundamental tenets that its worshippers live to serve the whims of their Night Hag masters, seeking boons and their favor in exchange for sacrifices and servitude.}
All Night Coven countries receive:

Shadow Pact

{ReligiousDescription|religion=shadow_pact|description=The Shadow Pact represents a wide range of beliefs and practices that venerate the powerful beings of the Shadow Plane. Its followers believe that their souls go to the Shadow Plane after their demise, and so seek to gain favor with the powerful beings of that plane in order to have a better afterlife for both themselves and their loved ones. The practices and teachings of the Shadow Pact vary widely depending on the region its practicioners are from. These beliefs are all united around the concept that nothing is free in this reality, and that to receive a blessing, something must be sacrificed.}
All Shadow Pact countries receive: