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Primary Culture

+15% Cavalry Combat Ability
-10% Development Cost

Of Four KingdomsWe rule an incredibly diverse land - from the valourous Chimbija, the shrewd Sangsongha, and the deeply spiritual Menjeotaen, our empire is rich in culture. As the invaders of this land, we must accept the differences between our subjects and ourselves if we wish to maintain a stable realm.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

The Imperial HaremIt is known by many in our court that the conquered lords of this land plot our downfall in the shadows, ungrateful for the peace we have brought to them.\n\nAs a show of loyalty, all landed nobles of Guwaamud must send a daughter to join the Emperor's service, ensuring both their faithful service to the crown as well as the continuation of the imperial line.
+33% Chance of New Heir
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Raise the UvaadumThe Five Hordes of Guwaamud, or the Uvaadum, were the standing armies of the old Emperors, made up of the descendents of Bhengudak's greatest warriors and riding the most fearsome Terror Birds available. For nearly 900 years they kept the peace in the land, hunting rebels, raiders, and bandits whilst ensuring the longevity of the realm. Now, as we have returned to our rightful place in Odheongu, we must resurrect the Uvaadum to project the Emperor's might beyond the palace and throughout the countryside.
+30% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

The Mask of BrothershipA silver mask studded with gems and with gold filigree flowing across its surface, the Mask of Brothership is worn by the Emperor or his most trusted emissaries when involved in diplomatic meetings with other realms, projecting both the might and wealth of Guwaamud and comforting our guests with its elegant features.
+1.5 Diplomatic Reputation

The Mask of RageWhen diplomacy fails, the Emperor and his generals don the Masks of Rage, bloodstained iron facades with twisted grimaces crudely carved into their surfaces. The wearers of these veils of war lead our armies into battle with unimaginable ferocity, eager to break the will of any fool that dares to oppose Guwaamud.
+10% Shock Damage

Six RanksThe nobility of Guwaamud is split into six tiers, each lower tier reporting to and being ruled absolutely by the higher tier. By spreading the administration so, we have dramatically lightened the administrative load on our court.
-25% State Maintenance

The Eternal EmpireThe first empire of Guwaamud lasted for 900 years, overseeing an era of serenity and prosperity for the domain and the Emperor's subjects. We are the heirs to this vaunted realm, and if we are to repeat the successes of our predecessor while avoiding the mistakes of its final days, the Emperor must be capable of exerting complete control over the state and her people.
+10 Maximum Absolutism

+10% National Tax Modifier


