Guhe Ideas

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+10% National Manpower Modifier
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

The League of YanszinThe League of Yanszin is an organization of the five city-states at the heart of the region: Yanzhong, Guhe, Yangcheng, Anjiang and Yingzhen. Founded in 276 AA, they are bound together for defense against the surrounding warlords.\n\nOther Yansheni nations do not greatly trust them, yet they always seem to manage to get great deals. They have always gotten themselves out of difficult situations, pulling strings behind the scenes to bring about peace with minimal losses or even gains. Most famously, they would play a central role in the conspiracy that led to the murder of Jaher.
+33% Spy Network Construction

The LanszinGuhe was for a long time one of the primary locations of settlement for harimari in Yanshen until other cities surpassed it. Nonetheless, the harimari culture that emerged in Guhe influenced many aspects of eastern harimari society. Nowadays, the most prominent remnant of harimari rule in Guhe is the Lanszin, the Blue Star, a military order made up of harimari who have learned to combine aspects of eastern martial arts with their own ferocious fighting style.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Cheng of GuheThe cheng, or citadel, of Guhe is one of the oldest and most many-layered fortresses of Yanshen, having stood for thousands of years. Supposedly, its foundations rest upon the ruins of a high temple, but despite great effort, no good evidence of such a claim has been found. But both Harimar and Jaher saw the strategic importance of the fort, and reinforced it.
+15% Fort Defence

Jaher's Blood Well SpilledThey, more than any other of the Yanszin, played a role in the assassination of Jaher, as his employment of the Lanszin allowed the assassins to come within striking distance of their target. And so the pivotal role that Guhe played in the history and future of Yanshen cannot be denied.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Eldest Yanszin CityWhile all the Yanszin cities are old, Guhe is without a doubt the oldest. Its foundation goes back to a time before the Nadimraj in Rahen and when the earliest stones were laid in Yanshen.
-1% Prestige Decay

Bend with the WindAll of the Yanszin know that the best way to survive is to know when to concede and know when to resist. Like a stalk of bamboo, they bend until their energy is unleashed and they snap back. The Lanszin have adopted this in their martial training, and it has become a staple of Guhe combat.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Guru SuhanGuru Suhan was an Eastern Harimari from the city of Guhe. At a young age, he travelled through Haless for spiritual reasons, meeting practitioners of the different schools of High Philosophy and seeking out their way of life. Beginning to meditate upon the different schools, on their strengths and flaws, he found much to admire but also saw the myopia that arose from focusing on a single aspect of mortal existence. He reached the conclusion that the path of the High Gods requires focus on all moral aspects instead of on the perfection of one, a belief that would give rise to Suhan's Praxis in the late fifteenth century.
+2% Missionary Strength

+1 Land Leader Shock