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File:B63 Flag.png

Primary Culture

+1 Military Free Policies
+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces

For glory, O men of EscannWhen one looks outside, they can readily see the true fruit of ‘Chivalric' Escann: a people so weak, they were torn to shreds by some savages out of the mountains, and forced to embrace the weak half-men of the west as their saviors!\n\nOnly through our power can Escann be cleansed of orcish savagery and elven weakness, and even the mercy of the Gods shall not save those who stand in our way.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Debts to DarknessDuring the Greentide, while many of our kin joined the adventurers to play at being the League of Free Realms come again, others were not so lucky and had to make certain deals to survive the Greentide.\n\nMany surviving Escanni nobles made such deals and now fear anyone becoming aware of their new obligations, yet lack the skill to fulfill them on their own. Should we clandestinely offer our assistance in this matter, we can use these debts to darkness to our advantage.
+15% Spy Network Construction

Prophecy Through PainAll true diviners know it is at a man's lowest point that he is most perceptive. The secret societies that ensure our control of the nation know this well and practice many dark arts to make use of this moment of supreme perceptiveness, be it for learning the missing step of a sacrificial ritual or finding the hiding place of a wanted rebel. A handful of missing persons cases are a small price to pay for such knowledge.
-5% All Power Costs

In Place of PrideWith the conquest of Castonath, it was decided that the ruins of a city built by a dwarf for a slave in the middle of a forest was no dwelling fit for the Lords of All-Escann. A comprehensive campaign of destruction and reconstruction took place, transforming Castonath into a center of infernal power barely recognizable as the same city - and, indeed, it has gained a new name: Agraced, City of War.
+15% Fort Defence

Festivals of the 7,777Referring to the hosts of 1,111 devils that are said to serve each member of the Infernal Court, the Festivals of the 7,777 rarely have anything near that number of attendees. Rather, they are a way for our elite - those fully initiated into the Infernal cult - to easily mingle and consort with devils, hiring them as advisors or even offering marriage.
-15% Advisor Cost

Bleeding Edge of CultureIt is said that anything that can be done, no matter how bizarre or foul, has been done in Moredhal. While this is not entirely true, we certainly aim to make it so! Artistic and scientific works considered vulgar and inhumane throughout the rest of the world are celebrated as signs of true genius among the Moredhalic elite.
-10% Technology Cost

War Against the WorldEven a simple studying of politics leads one to understand that there is no such thing as a special relationship or eternal alliance. All diplomacy exists only for one purpose; the expansion of the power of the state, our state. We shall hold no historical friendships, we shall make no claims of lasting peace - all that is outside Moredhal exists only to cease being so.
-0.1 Monthly War Exhaustion

+0.2 Yearly Absolutism


