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Primary Culture

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Eastern Capital of the EmpireGrônstunad served as the prestigious eastern capital of the Empire, rivalling Amldihr in prestige and prosperity. Aeons ago, the Jade Dwarves assisted Verkal Dromak in safeguarding against the Oni on the surface, brought Tuwad-Dhûmankon under their wing, helping them expand into a rich hold and ensured all of the East Dwarovar shared in prosperity, securing resources and opportunities.\n\nWhen communications collapsed between the East and West Dwarovar due to the Fall of Amldihr, their influence through the Jade Mines and Tree of Stone was unrivalled. Grônstunad declared itself the new seat of the High King, expanding their influence west as they went forth to subjugate the newly free holds. Their heritage left behind decisive leaders and experienced administrators, who weathered crisis upon crisis and even eked out a Golden Age as so many crumbled under the Last Days of the Dwarovar.
-10% Development Cost

Pride of the Jade MinesHigh and Noble were the Jade Dwarves of the past, their abode a place of luxury within the Eastern reaches of the Empire. The highest and noblest among them bore a great jewel of Jade, intricately crafted and immaculately polished, the focus of centuries of work by master Jade-smiths and artisans.\n\nWhile the gem was forfeit to the Dwarovkron, we shall not forget what it represented. That of the noble prestige of the Jade Dwarves, of a farflung culture that flourished and surpassed all others. Once attracting artisans and experts of every kind, to work with their gems and riches in a fabulous and luxurious domain, their influence left behind much art found all across the Dwarovar, prized by the clans and families whose ancestors once worked in the grand halls of Grônstunad.
+1 Yearly Prestige
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Life of VibranceWhile surrounded by many enemies inside and outside of the Dwarovar, the Jade Dwarves never abandoned their life of high fashion. Jade was associated with vibrant greenery that could be found on the surface, inspiring tailors to form motifs of life and vitality into their clothing. Designs of robes and dresses took leaf and flower designs, while imaginatively made jewellery would mimic various green fruits such as grapes and pears, with occasional appearances of gems from other holds. The high fashion was however not limited to the upper classes, as warriors would adorn their beards or weaponry with decorative jade beads and decorate their skin with warpaint and tattoos with natural dyes. Even as the cinders of Aul-Dwarov faded away, the Jade Dwarves never lost sight of the vibrance that life provided.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

The Vanguard of Many HallsThe Jade Dwarves led the combined forces of many holds in their desperate defence against the countless threats around them, yet the logistics of organising a force which consisted of so many warfare styles was a challenge. Most holds took an individualistic approach in the formation of their armies, with tactics and logistics differing to each other drastically. However, the Jade Dwarves were able to organise these armies into the Vanguard of Many Halls, utilising the strengths of one hold to complement the weaknesses of another. As the Amethyst Dwarves broke into enemy lines, the Amber Dwarves covered them with cannonfire, leaving the Jade Dwarves to charge into the disorganised enemy and annihilate their ranks. Assuming the role of leadership was no small task, yet Grônstunad's ambitions of reclaiming the Dwarovar drove them to take the initiative and bring the demoralised holds together against the monsters that strove to destroy all dwarfkind.
+5% Discipline

Custodians of the Jade MinesThe vast cave networks surrounding the Dwarovrod in the Jade mines led the Jade Dwarves to prosper greatly without having to build grand strip mines. Dwarves from all corners joined the expeditions into the gem rich mines, not only bringing miners but also many soldiers and mercenaries to protect the mining operations. Even as Grônstunad lay far east from the rest of the empire, it became a trade hub for dwarves travelling from every corner, selling their specialty wares and enriching the Jade Dwarves. The influence gained from the resources of the Jade Mines allowed the Jade Dwarven clans to rise to prominence, rivalling even the richest clans in the Dwarovar.
+15% Trade Efficiency

Beyond the DwarovarWhilst most of the dwarves were quick to largely seal themselves off from the outside world, the Jade Dwarves instead saw it as an opportunity to grow and become more successful, and as such, the Grônrod, or Jade Road, was born.\n\nHowever, the new expansion led to a swathe of hobgoblin infested territory that the Jade Dwarves had to carve a path through before opening the exploration of Shamakhad and beyond. Eventually these explorers discovered the mountains in the Phokhao Range to the southeast, rich with potential tin deposits, and settlers were sent to both mine and construct a new hold in these unknown lands far from the Dwarovar. This was the birth of the Hold of Verkal Ozovar, which ran itself autonomously while aiding the East Dwarovar with resources. It began small, later spreading its influence among the humans who lived beyond their gates, sharing knowledge and institutions with them and in exchange, asking the humans to be their vassals. Their influence spread further from the hold as their vassals expanded, leaving lasting dwarven influence in the region.
+10% Governing Capacity Modifier

The Jade EmpireWhen the west fell to the orcs, the Jade Dwarves did not celebrate, but instead knew it was their role to fix everything that weak leadership had ruined - their job to impose the order which was shattered long ago. Proclaiming the Jade Empire and uniting the holds around them led to much opposition, especially from the dwarves of the Middle Serpentspine who did not accept the Jade Dwarven claim over Aul-Dwarov. Grônstunad however would not abandon their ambition to remake the Dwarovar in their image, attempting to make each hold's ruler subservient to the Jade Empire. They saw no one else to be fit to rule but them alone, suppressing unruly citizens and taking revenge against the Segbandal who dared to defy the new High King.
-15% Aggressive Expansion Impact

+10% Global Trade Power


