Grizehud Ideas

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+1 Diplomats
-15% Land Attrition

Trolls of the CavesThe cavern trolls of the Serpentspine are a curious breed. Their form adapted to survive in the harsh caverns and rails, and now they appear rather unorthodox compared to their surface dwelling cousins.\nImmense, hairless and pale, these hulking behemoths also exhibit larger ears and noses. Their eyes are even more uncanny; jet black, with a thin red iris. While their eyesight is degraded, their hearing, sense of touch and locational memory is superb.\n\nIt is equipped with these tools that the trolls of Grizehûd began their humble origins. Where most cave trolls are solitary for extended periods, those living in the Greatcaverns had an abundance of food, causing them to gather and protect the serpentsbloom. Many of the trolls found themselves not needing to consume meat for months on end, favoring the rare and delicious fungi found in their part of the Serpentspine.
+20% Improve Relations

Friends in Dark PlacesBefore Lagok, there was Grend Grizeson. He had inherited a throne of savagery from his father, the progenitor of the Grizehûd tribe. Throughout his reign, the troll raided and massacred goblins, gleefully tormenting the short statured creatures. Before long, he had moved onto larger game; orcs, dwarves and even his own people.\n\nThe only soul who stood against his barbarity was Brok ‘Big Friend’, who once called Grend a friend - but his kindly soul was deemed most untrollish, and, after a brutal zeinbrot, he was banished. This exile would prove Grend’s undoing, as Brok honed his abilities and developed deep bonds with many of the serpentspine’s creatures alongside his closest friend; a bat named Poopsy. He even found friendship in the abused goblins who had survived Grend’s torments.\n\nBrok returned to his former home and earnestly met with Grend, attempting to reason with him alongside his new allies. The meeting would sour when Grend killed Poopsy for attempting to get his scent. Brok flew into a rage, casting Grend into an abyssal pit following a bloody combat. Horrified by the betrayal of his principles, Brok committed to living a peaceful life and taught his kin his ways: to attack only when necessary, and to defend their friends no matter the cost.
+5% Cavalry Combat Ability
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Street Food FestivalThere is no more joyous a day for the trolls of Grizehûd than the Feast Day, occurring every four days. Bakers, cooks and other culinary experts flock together, gathering in the centre of their local communities and working together to prepare and cook a veritable mountain of food, drawing on every culture's unique recipes and palates to create true gastronomic masterpieces, all shared freely and openly. The needy are granted succour from the ravages of hunger, the chefs hone their skills and further the mastery of their craft, and the varied communities of Grizehûd forge nigh-unbreakable bonds of community and commerce.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Judge by CharacterThe idiom “blind as a troll” makes sense only to those who’ve met the cave trolls, and served to baffle many Cannorian translators of dwarvish texts. In the gloom of the Spine’s depths, little can be seen unless the caves and caverns are properly lit, forcing their inhabitants to rely on sound, smell and touch. Such senses have grown far stronger in turn, and the might and hardiness of the trolls ensured they would be quite fit to survive while these senses developed. Indeed, the most curious effect of this came in the emphasis the Grizehûd trolls placed on character over physical form.\n\nDwarves, trolls, goblins, kobolds and orcs - all are the same to a troll that can hardly see who they’re talking to. Your actions determine whether you’re welcomed, and so long as you abide by the rules of the community and strive not to harm it, your place is secure. Those who disobey face exile, and the harshness of life in the Serpentspine… and, of course, hordes of angry trolls.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
-1 National Unrest

In the Hall of the Blind KingsThe first time a troll worked within the depths of the holds of the Dwarovar, they likely hit their head on every low ceiling and tumbled down uncountable stairs; the cramped, labyrinthian layouts ensured the near-blind cave trolls had no chance of navigating them comfortably. The dwarves and goblins of Grizehûd proved slow to accommodate their larger friends, taking time to grow used to their presence and odd customs, but eventually, their shared sense of kinship encouraged them to modify the ancient halls. Soon, even the clumsiest, blindest and largest trolls could navigate with the same ease as the dwarves who first laid the stones of the hold; a glorious achievement in accommodation, construction and kindness.
-5% Development Cost
+10% Global Prosperity Growth

Glittering Gold, Green with EnvyWhen the people of Grizehûd met the gold dwarves and their envious enemies - the goldtooth goblins many confused sounds were shared.A heavy lump of yellow metal quickly launched both dwarf and goblin into a frothing frenzy. What about it made them so transfixed? Worse still was their bitter hatred for one another; many a tale was told of great wars fought for centuries, the two races locked in endless war for dominion over the caverns and the precious ore found inside them. \n\nIt was difficult at first. There was so much distrust that the two races refused to work in the same mines, or even talk to one another during the Feast Day. But, eventually, with the stability and safety we offered and our calm and collected demeanor, the two races began to talk. Soon, they were sharing recipes and mining tips. They even began mining the same veins of ore.\nThe story of both races finding common ground serves as a lesson to new arrivals in Grizehûd, teaching the vital lesson of respect and tolerance. They even learned to put aside some of their obsession with those glittering gold nuggets; the same ones that used to inspire endless hate and conflict.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

String Together StrongGrizehûd is a peaceful place. Goblins work alongside their dwarf friends, playfully bantering as they build and trade. Kobolds offer lectures on the proper use of gunpowder in mining to an audience of enraptured orcs. Trolls cheerfully ferry their short-legged friends from place to place, enjoying the company and the chance to help. However, to the people of the Serpentspine, such kindness seems impossible; an illusion and a facade designed to lure everyone into false security whilst they secretly prepare to strike. \n\nSadly, this forced the kindly peoples of Grizehûd to organize into a militia to defend themselves against incursion. Members of every species can find themselves flourishing here, becoming just as dangerous as their neighbors feared thanks to their immense diversity of skills, and their sheer overwhelming numbers. \n\nEveryone in the Serpentspine will know to let sleeping trolls lie.
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier

-5% Technology Cost