Greatmarcher Ideas

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+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+0.1 Infantry Shock

Woodsmen and WerewolvesStalking the shadows of the Greatwoods are beasts, abominations, shapeshifting curs that adopt the form of a bloodthirsty wolf to devour and terrorize our people. The Woodsmen, brave men and women of our lands, have taken it upon themselves to hunt down and exterminate these mongrels to keep our citizens safe.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Hearth of the AlenThe dark and foreboding Greatwoods are where many of the most powerful and influential Alenic tribes originated from, including the Gawedi. While our distant cousins reign in far flung lands, we remained in the forests that provided our ancestors sanctuary against those that would see us conquered.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Dragon's BaneThe ancient Castanorians conquered many peoples, however we of the Alen remained unsubjugated, harassing their legions and ensuring they could never sleep easy so long as they continued their trespass into the Alen. Though the Silver Dragon may be long dead, our reputation for repelling invaders is known from Castonath to Lorentainé.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Rider's FallThe Elven king of Arbaran, Ianren the Rider, was a renowned general that was instrumental in defeating the Black Castanorian tyrants. He made a fatal decision in trying to conquer the Alen during the Gawedi War of Succession however, and he ultimately met his end at the hands of a Greatmarcher Woodsman.
-1% Prestige Decay

Alenic HowlBefore entering battle our soldiers shout a mighty battle cry, like the howl of a wolf, filling our enemies with dread and readying our forces for the oncoming onslaught.
+10% Morale of Armies
+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

Greatwoods TimberAs the cities further down the Alen expand and grow, they need a steady source of quality wood to build with. Luckily for them, we have plenty within our borders to supply.
-10% Construction Cost

River of FursThe vast majority of Cannorian furs come from the Alenic Reach, and the lands of Greatmarch specifically. Instead of carrying our harvests to market on foot, we send our harvests down the Alen on large barges to be gathered and traded off in the cities downstream.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+15% Movement Speed