Gor Vazumbrog

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Gor Vazumbrog

Primary Culture

+2 Tolerance of the True Faith
+20% Trade Steering

The Titanium OrdersThe Titanium Orders refer to the innumerable religious orders of Gor Vazumbrog, the religious warrior-monks, pilgrims, and craftspeople who permeated the fabric of the hold's day-to-day life. Their responsibilities were manyfold, and ranged from guarding the various holy sites and temples around the Dwarovar to carving holy runes and ancestral heroes onto murals.\n\nOthers would have small informal groupings of like-minded religious philosophers and guild-monasteries and warrior clans; the Titanium Orders were an informal third faction in the politics of Gor Vazumbrog, alongside the ruling General-King and the Dauvek Veker.
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Vault HoldIn the time of Aul-Dwarov, Gor Vazumbrog was second only to Mithradhûm in matters of military importance and the security of the Dwarovar. It was Gor Vazumbrog that guarded what could not be destroyed, from ancient tomes and relics to new creations deemed too dangerous to enter public usage but too useful to destroy outright.\n\nCursed artifacts, failed experiments, remnants of Gor Dûrgheled, the many creations or discoveries of Verkal Dromak, Verkal Skomdihr, Hehodovar and Dûr-Vazhatun - all these were sent to Gor Vazumbrog, locked away in a Titanium Vault, and watched over by the hold's guardians until the bitter end. Only by process of appeal to the High King of Amldihr could a vault be opened -and rarely was it done, for much of what was sealed was sealed for good reason.
+30% Garrison Size

Westguard of the Middle DwarovarWith the fall of Aul-Dwarov and the rise of the Segbandal, Gor Vazumbrog was not left without purpose. Fortifications were built, rebuilt, and expanded, turning the hold into a near impenetrable fortress and the site where dwarfkind made their first real victories against the orc menace. It would be from here, that the Titanium Dwarves attempted the three great Segbandalic Expeditions, attempting to reclaim Hul-Jorkad and Verkal Kozenad.\n\nIn addition to the many attempts at reclamation, the Titanium Dwarves also stood stalwart against the endless black tides from the west, the orcs breaking on their walls time and time again. In so doing, they protected the eastern holds and ensured their prosperity for millennia after the old empire's collapse, their stalwart will never breaking against the orcish menace.
+20% Fort Defence

Dauvek VekerOut of the many Titanium Orders, one stood above all others - The Veker-az-Glôbok Dauvek, regularly shortened to Dauvek Veker - the Monster Hunters. Originally a band of death-seeking penitents, the Dauvek Veker evolved into a large guild that often took the front line of offensive and defensive actions during and after the Fall of Aul-Dwarov. Taking on those tasks too big or dangerous for other dwarves to handle, the Dauvek Veker were notoriously fervent, dangerous, and daring.\n\nTo join the order, one needed to prove themselves not against mere goblins or orcs, but a great beast of the depths - the Purple Worm was the preferred hunt target for most. As years went on, and supply lines became restricted, the Dauvek Veker evolved further into renowned weaponsmiths, delving the depths of the Dwarovar for the rare materials needed to create their legendary weapons, such as Krummul Orcslayer's Setzunklufa.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

The Titanium GuardiansIn ages past Gor Vazumbrog had many guardians. The most famous of these were neither heroes nor guardsmen but the tall unyielding sentinels made from the namesake metal of the Titanium Hold. The golems of Gor Vazumbrog were stalwart sentinels made to face the most daunting and fearsome of tasks.\n\nCast from Titanium and adorned in protective runes, the golems were resistant to all manner of magic, perfect guardians of the cursed relics sealed deep in Vazumbrog's vaults. Terrors in combat and tireless in guardianship, the golems kept many roles - vault guardians, gatekeepers, and heavy support for dwarven troops facing goblin and orc incursions into their territory.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Krummul OrcslayerOriginally a dwarf of unknown origin, Krummul Orcslayer joined the Dauvek Veker at the unprecedented age of 23, having personally slain a nest of Deep Crows, bird-like insects of an unknown but likely horrible origin. From his early noteworthy actions his legend would only grow, he earned the name "Orcslayer" for his actions single-handedly slaying an entire orc warband over the course of but one month, and famously relieved the orcish siege of Hul-Jorkad, saving his fellow dwarves with the might of his two-handed greatsword "Setzunklufa", Skycleaver.\n\nOver the course of his life, Krummul Orcslayer would put his experiences and thoughts into words and compile a comprehensive list of grudges and wrongdoings done to dwarvenkind by its enemies over the millennia, aptly named "Krummul Orcslayer's Book of Dwarven Grudges." In time, old age did what no other enemy of dwarf-kind could, and Orcslayer became one of only a handful of the Dauvek Veker to die of old age, a fact which is said to have infuriated the great warrior to his last breath.
+10% Shock Damage

Dragon in the DeepIn the year 472, Gor Vazumbrog was unmade. It was not a goblin horde nor an orc warband that felled this mighty fortress, but something far more potent and far more unexpected. On a day like any other, with no warning given, The Hunter of the Deep keep came upon Vazumbrog. A great dragon of deepest purple scales, it tunnelled into the hold from its deepest levels, circumventing the Titanium Hold's many defences and killing all who stood in its path. Its corrosive breath ravaged flesh and melted the titanium golems sent against it, while its mere presence maddened and dazed the dwarves that it came upon.\n\nThe beast killed tens of thousands before the General-King admitted the hold could not be saved. Sending the remaining Titanium Guardians against the dragon in a desperate bid to buy time, the King ordered an abandonment of the lower levels and began to organise the total evacuation of all dwarves in Vazumbrog. While the refugees fled to the other holds of the Segbandal and prepared to regroup and retake their home, the dragon settled into its new home.\n\nThe bottom levels of the hold soon became saturated with gaseous poison, which mixed with the virulent magices of the innumerable cursed artifacts in the deep vaults to create The Dragon's Wound, a glowing purple miasma that leeched the spirit and melted the flesh, a permanent stain on reality commemorating the tragedy and hubris of the Titanium Hold.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

-15% Stability Cost Modifier


