Gophiran Ideas

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-25% Harsh Treatment Cost
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Bukka Raya the GreenbringerWhen the world ended, and Taychend was reduced to a mess of bandits and tyrannical warlords, there were scarce few places of safety for those already at the bottom of pre-Ruin society. One of these lights in the darkness was Gophira, "the Fort". Led ably by Bukka Raya, called the Greenbringer for his use of magic to grow food through the harshest winters, the people of Gophira constructed great fortifications to protect the fledgling haven from the assaults of those who would seek to loot or destroy it.\n\nNowadays, the legacy of the Greenbringer is clear – Gophira stands as the greatest fort in Taychend, its fortifications upgraded and expanded over time. Though the scars of battle linger on the stones of the great fortress, and the citadel has not escaped conquest or subjugation entirely, the rows of cyclopean walls and piercing towers stand as a testament to the greatest lesson the Gophirans learnt from their founder-god: complacency in defence is a fatal weakness.
+15% Fort Defence

Iron Masters of YodhanpirAt the heart of Taychend lie the Iron Hills, an area of jagged peaks, heavily forested river valleys and, as the name suggests, an incredible amount of iron. Each of the three "Iron Cities" of the hills prides themselves on different specialties – while Banderuttai strive to improve their stalwart shields and fearsome armour, and Kattisangamar are ever-willing to brandish their fine sabres and swords, Gophira’s pride is their sheer productive capability. From the days of Bukka Raya to the apex of the Second Gophiran Empire, the foundries and smithies of Gophira have worked tirelessly to produce every manner of iron or steel object needed for the city’s needs.\n\nPerhaps it is this industrious flexibility that has allowed Gophira to dominate its two brother cities for so long. While recent misfortunes have allowed them to reclaim their independence, the Kings of Gophira know that should they ever bring Kattisangamar and Banderuttai to heel again, they will once again stand as the undisputed Iron Masters of Yodhanpir.
+10% Production Efficiency

Olhokar the FortuitousWhen the Chendhyan King of Kings, Ultarlanbeg the Decimator, invaded Taychend, he swept aside all who stood against him. Even after he was assassinated by a Taychendi concubine, his son Geladhlan ruthlessly suppressed the mass native revolt that erupted. Long past the fall of the Asezhudar, many feared that Taychend might forever be subjected to Chendhyan rule, as a dozen remnant "Aedzudars" were carved from the lands of the old Empire. Then Olhokar rose, and they feared no longer.\n\nGiving himself entirely to the hands of fate, at every turn Olhokar consulted oracles and diviners, and from his powerbase in Gophira, recently refortified after its sacking by Ultarlanbeg, Olhokar conducted an incredible campaign against the Chendhayan Aedzudars. With fate by his side, he restored native rule to Taychend, and in doing so became the first native emperor of Taychend in over 500 years.\n\nAlas, his reign would be brief – in service to the dark words of an oracle, Olhokar sacrificed his eldest child to secure Gophira’s future, provoking a massive revolt that shattered his realm. However, even this would prove fortuitous for Olhokar’s beloved city, as the line of his second son would themselves piece back together the empire the Fortuitous first conquered.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Ironblood ArmyAfter the collapse of the First Gophiran Empire, the now greatly reduced Gophira was forced to fight several costly wars in order to save what remained of its territory. While for a time it seemed that Gophira would be drowned in the tide of fate, drastic times called for drastic measures. Harrihara IV created the "Ironblood Army", a military class drawn from both the cities and countryside, with mandated training and heavily subsidised equipment. Able to be called up at a moment’s notice, Gophira created a large and dependable core of infantry, whose constant readiness allowed them to maintain their martial traditions. While expensive, this would give Gophira the edge they needed over the city’s enemies.\n\nAs this force broke Oremvand’s Chendhyan mercenaries in the Oremvandian Wars, and reconquered the territory Gophira had lost, the military of the Sangamars once again transformed. Funded using the heavy taxes levied on the their many subject cities, the Ironblood Army would become a truly professional force during the Second Empire, crushing countless revolts and warlord-pretenders. While this professionalism would eventually be Gophira’s downfall, their legacy is nonetheless one of martial excellence and incredible capability.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

The Great Dam City of KannalultheGophira ruled over all Taychend for nearly a hundred years, and though the empire is primarily remembered for its military might, nowhere else is the legacy of their greatness more clear than in Kannalulthe, the Great Dam City. Founded originally as a simple fort guarding the river that leads to Gophira, as the Second Gophiran Empire expanded, Kannalulthe quickly became the centre of the Taychendi economy. Wishing to be close to the centre of Imperial power, merchant houses, slave traders, metalworkers and all other sorts of industries moved to the city. Soon enough, Kannalulthe became the de facto imperial capital, further expanding until it outgrew even Nanru Nakar in size and population.\n\nWhile Kannalulthe fell far after the end of the Second Gophiran Empire, even now the ruins are vast and magnificent. The city’s cyclopean arches and walls, monumental temples, shrines and statues, and of course the eponymous dam that dominates the centre of the city, all continue to inspire the architects of Gophira – not to mention the incredible quantity of building materials that can be found within the city’s ruins. In this way, the legacy of Kannalulthe can be seen across the Gophira of today.
-10% Construction Cost

Legacy of the Six EmperorsIt was in the military that the seeds of the Second Empire’s downfall were sowed – as the army became increasingly professional, it also became more political and independent, a process that culminated in its use by Celepana the Usurper to seize power from her brother, her father’s chosen heir. The resulting battle of Nymbhava, that saw the Ironblood Army split and arrayed against itself, was one of the largest battles in Taychendi history. Nymbhava would eventually prove to be the inciting incident for the terrible drama that would consume the Empire, setting in motion a chain of events that would lead to the War of the Six Emperors.\n\nFor nearly 15 years, Gophira fell into a vicious cycle of rebellion and mutinies that eventually caused its violent disintegration. However, this period of ceaseless warfare also saw some of the greatest military feats of the empire. With both Ironblood soldiers and Sangamar pretenders faced with utter destruction, Gophiran military excellence returned in stunning fashion, and the legacy of the tactics and great deeds in those wars inspire the men of Gophira even today.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Last Great Empire of TaychendThough Gophira eventually fell to the same forces of pride and ambition that had claimed the empires of Ebenanth, the Mudaliars and even Ultarlanbeg, at its peak Gophira managed to soar to heights never before reached. Ruling with unprecedented strength and authority, for a time it seemed they might have been able to subjugate entirely the centres of Taychendi civilisation, and end the curse of warlordism that had afflicted Taychend since the Ruin.\n\nThough their empire fell, and the defeat of Dhalinar III by Laskaris the Conqueror in the early 15th century put an end to any hope of a third Gophiran resurgence, the people of the Fort know in their heart that their history is one to be proud of. They once possessed the last and greatest empire of Taychend – and they may yet conquer another.
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

+0% Yearly Army Professionalism