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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-15% Land Attrition

The Jungle ProtectsFor as long as anyone can remember, the Jungle has been our refuge. Where our enemies fear to tread, we walk in peace and prosperity. Enemies of our people vanish into thin air, never to be seen again. Whether this is natural magic or divine protection, we are not sure, but we keep the shrines and temples, and the jungle keeps our home safe. That is all we know, and all we need to know.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Under the Bronze Dragon’s WatchAs the jungle protects us from invaders, so the Khetists protect us from chaos. When our enemies marched on our capital, our nation seemed doomed, until the khetists of Aramoole came with a proposal: Submit to us, and we shall protect you. Although this was a blow to our pride, rumours had reached us that a great bronze dragon had taken residence in Aramoole and was guiding their nation. With its watchful eyes, we know our people will be safe.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Our Own PeopleMuch to the disappointment of our enemies in Kuiika, who see us only as lost cattle to be brought back to the herd, we are Gomuvuri, and we will not allow anyone to take away our place in the world. We have taught the Kuiika not to come into our jungles. Once we have learned what the Khetists have to teach us, the Kuiika will learn that we are fearsome outside our jungle as well, but until then, we will wait, like the leopard, for the perfect moment to strike.
+10% Morale of Armies

Into The Deep GreenThose who plot against us, who wish ill on our people from within the halls of power, often find warnings that their misdeeds are known, and those who are unwary or unwise enough to ignore these warnings are often seen wandering alone into the most dangerous parts of the jungle, or are simply found dead, untouched in their beds. Whether this is some magical power, or a guiding hand from the shadows, none can be sure, but we do know that it ensures our administrators are the most honest in all of Sarhal.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Harmony with the LandThough many find the jungles of Gomuvuri inhospitable, dangerous, and foreign, they are our home, and we are comfortable here. We know the paths to take, which flowers will break a fever, and which will stop a heart. We know which trees will give us wood, and which will feed an unwary woodsman to its roots. Others may live in the jungles; only we can thrive in them.
-5% Construction Cost
-5% Development Cost

Holding to Our FaithThe Khetists have taught us much of their ways, but we will forever hold true to the ways we have known. However strong the pull of Elikhet or other divinities, we will always tend to the shrines and rituals of the jungles, and to the stories and fables of the great deeds performed by our ancestors. This balance is not a weakness, for our shared belief in our way gives us strength to tread our own path to glory.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Living ShadowsOur mysterious benefactors have been taking a more direct hand in our affairs. Sometimes it is secret documents left on the right desk. Sometimes, it’s a local shepherd appearing to guide our armies. Whatever the form, we are blessed in our affairs of state. While some might be curious, we know better than to climb into the leopard’s tree. The people of our nation do not wonder who, or why. As long as it leads to safety and prosperity, It is enough that we are protected and guided.
-20% Spy Action Cost Modifier


