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Primary Culture

+20% Improve Relations
-10% Infantry Cost

Freed By The RoseFor centuries, the Counts of Gisden were subjects of the Marquisate of Arannen. While initially loyal, tensions soon started to rise due to various disputes - most importantly, the taxation of salt production. Weary of Arannese arrogance and their desire to dominate the Borders, the Gisdenese secretly betrayed their overlords by joining the Rose Party during the Lilac Wars. Gisden fought alongside Wex, Sugamber and Toarnen against Arannen, Asheniande and Celliande. After a long and brutal struggle which ended in the defeat of the Moon party, Gisden became direct subject of the new Emperor, Lothane III síl Wex, who had helped them gain their freedom from Arannen.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Blood Of The AlenicsThe lands of Gisden were left severely depopulated after the War of the Sorcerer-King and the White Pestilence. Therefore Count Austyn II of Gisden welcomed newcomers from the west, many of whom were Alenic Wexonards. The Gisdenese mixed with the new settlers and soon became rather distinct from their other Arannese neighbours, despite still having much in common. This helped with the formation of a distinct Gisdenese identity, which was a combination of Milcorissian and Wexonard traits. This diversity made the Gisdenese more open to foreign ideas compared to their fellow Arannese.
-10% Idea Cost

Guild Of The Silver CinquefoilThe cinquefoil flower is an important symbol not just for the heraldic banner of the ruling dynasty, but for Gisden as a whole. The tradition of herblore is strong in the Gisdenese commonfolk, and many learn in their youth to heal wounds with extracts from the roots of the creeping cinquefoil. This medicinal knowledge was put to use during the White Pestilence, when the Gisdenese mass produced the cure created by Garion the Wise. This was also when the elves first settled in Gisden and founded the Guild of the Silver Cinquefoil, an organization of potion makers and healers. In later years, members of the Guild would invent numerous famous potion formulas.
+5% Manpower Recovery Speed
+8% Reinforce Speed

Cardesti SmithsLocated both near the Forlorn Vale and Corvuria, Gisden has a long history with the wandering Cardesti people. While most of Anbennar shuns them, the Gisdenese allowed the Cardesti to travel freely in their lands as long as they provided something valuable for the County. And this they did, their talented artisans crafting fine copper items in their makeshift workshops. The people were pleased and the Counts kept their promise. Ever since, the Cardesti gather every year in Upsfield to meet and hold traditional celebrations. Many Gisdenese come to visit them, wishing to acquire their valuable metalware.
+10% Production Efficiency

Books Of BenarCount Benar V of Gisden did not have a long reign, as he was a rather incompetent ruler and was ousted by the Gisdenese nobility. Having lost his title, he instead pursued the career of a writer. He wrote countless books, and thanks to the invention of the printing press, his writings were soon produced en masse and sold across Anbennar. His most famous work is Clash of the Gods, a book which details the events of the Godswar. Later editions would be updated with information learned by Aelantiri explorers, even after his death.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Bread And SaltAs in Arannen, a large salt mine can be found in Gisden, founded by their distant Busilari predecessors. But the Gisdenese had a unique tradition related to their salt: As a sign of hospitality, it was served alongside bread to visitors. This tradition didn't exist merely among the commoners, but even amongst the half-elven nobility, as foreign dignitaries and visiting monarchs were given the same gift. It was said the Gisdenese were the most friendly folk in the Borders, and most welcoming to strangers. However, violating this hospitality was a quick way to become a despised outlaw.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

The Treaty Of GisdenAfter the Lilac Wars, both Asheniande and Arannen were bitter about their defeat and claimed the lands of Gisden for themselves. In secret, they signed the Treaty of Gisden, where the Duke of Asheniande and the Marquis of Arannen agreed to partition the County of Gisden between each other. When the two eventually launched a surprise attack from two directions simultaneously, the Gisdenese defenders fought back valiantly despite being greatly outnumbered. With the support of local farmers and their allies, Gisdenese soldiers waged a brutal guerilla war against the occupiers. While they ultimately failed to repel the invaders and Count Austyn V was deposed, the resistance strengthened Gisdenese identity and led to concessions of local autonomy from the occupiers.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

-10% Construction Cost


