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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+10% Land Fire Damage

The Suns LightFounded by those of us faithful enough to trek to the Egasach to continue practicing our faith, Ghrannblath is by far the most zealous of the nations of the Summer Court. Religion is central to our way of life, with theological debate being the most common topic of conversation at any given dinner table, town hall or tavern terrace. Beyond this zealotry, however, there is one thing that Grannblath’s relative isolation from the other Caamasi has produced: a particular reverence of the sun, the ultimate bringer of summer and warmth. This sun worship has never eclipsed the reverence of the Summer Court, instead having been incorporated as a full-fledged aspect of our traditional belief system.
+2% Missionary Strength

Egasach LordsWhen our lands were conquered by the Eordellon zealots of Sidpar, it did not take long before they started suppressing the ways of our people. They expected us to abandon our sun worship, and adopt their ridiculous views of equality between the seasons. They were unprepared for our steadfast resolve; if we could not practice our ways in the lands of our forefathers, we would find a place where we could. In the end, the Caamasi lords decided on the Egasach mountains. As the exodus finally arrived, we found the region even more inhospitable than we had expected, but through the blessing of the Summer Court and the benevolence of the sun, we will carve out a life for ourselves here. We will endure all the hardships that these mountains would throw at us.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Warmth of the SunSome Eordandi believe that one’s beliefs are set at birth. That if one is born Selphereg or Thuatak, one is destined to serve the Spring or Autumn Court. A foolish notion. Faith is a matter of the mind, not body, and every elf has their own free will with which to choose. Grannblath accepts all those who seek the warmth of the sun, no matter the colour of their skin, the shape of their ears or the place of their birth.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Ekyunimoy CopperThe Egasach mountains are a hard place, poor in game and poor in soil. But below the surface, it is richer than anywhere else in Eordand . Large copper veins slither their way through the rock, and our mineshafts grow ever deeper as they trace them to the very roots of the mountains. These mines have become the backbone of our economy, as the peninsular merchants arrive with carts full of cloth and grain, and leave with carts full of copper.
+10% Production Efficiency

Edge of the DomandrodWhile our copper trade is providing us with the coin we need to buy grain from abroad, our swelling population being reliant on imported food puts us in a precarious situation. If our trade would be disrupted for any reason, be it war, banditry, or even simply a drop in the demand for copper, we might face famine. In order to prevent this, our druids have come up with a plan to make our land more fertile; by performing daily rituals channeling the fey magic from the feyrealm, they have expanded the life-giving properties of the Domandrod well into the Egasach mountains. Ghrannblath will never be a food exporter, but we are able to grow just enough to keep our population alive in a crisis.
-15% Land Attrition

Between Fey and MountainWhile our initial trade efforts focused on our kin in Eordand, the Chiunife and Haraf’ne have proven to be very interested in our copper as well. And, with our trade caravans going east and south as well as west, Ghrannblath has become a natural stop for Eordan merchants who seek to cross the Egasach mountains.
+20% Trade Steering

Children of the SunAs colonial empires push them into the fringes, more and more Fograc and Chiunife have migrated out of their ancestral lands and into our own, seeking the safety and equal treatment that they know we offer them. They have largely adopted the summer court and the sun worship, although they bring many of their own cultural and religious practices along with them, as well as their own ways of waging war. And while we have much to teach them, many of these practices could be quite valuable to us as well, as they take their place among us as children of the sun.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
-10% Stability Cost Modifier


