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Primary Culture

+15% Cavalry Combat Ability
+1 Attrition for Enemies

TassiocThe aftermath of the Hibernal Crusade proved to be an unstable and contentious time, with countless displaced Snecboth seeking shelter and rampaging Tuathak Crusaders continuing to fight despite the splintering of their leadership. Gelcolle has long withstood the onslaught of the Eighard invaders, and our riders have chased them back to their coastal fortresses. But while we desire vengeance, the bitter fury of war cannot continue forever. With the first snowflakes of Winter, passions dim and all seek warmth; like the Tassioc we will bring a semblance of order so that our homeland may be restored one day.\n\nApproaching Raithtall, for both nations feared the power of Eighard, a political marriage was established to contain their mutual enemy. For once, peace between the Winter and Autumn Courts might prevail...
+15% Improve Relations

FrostbittenUnlike the theocrats of Gemradcurt and the fishermen of Reotcrab, Gelcolle has faced unceasing warfare with the Autumnal fanatics for centuries since the seizure of Eighard. Our lands have been raided and razed, and our people slaughtered. Trained from birth, all Gelcollers are ready to face our hated enemy.\n\nFacing a well-disciplined and heavily armed force, the Gelcollers often resort to scorched-earth and skirmishing tactics, relying on their natural defenses of debilitating Winter to deter and harass the enemy. Records of every invasion, victory, and defeat are kept at a hidden location, long thought by outsiders to be buried beneath the permafrost.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Migratory LifestyleThe Winter Court lands were not suited for agriculture, being a cold frigid land, and Gelcolle may well be the most inhospitable. Vast stands of frozen pine forest blanketed with blankets of snow broken only by intermittent icy streams that feed into the crashing waves of the Fogharabh. The Snecboth migrated throughout the lands, planning out courses for their tribe to stay and gather food throughout the winter. This lifestyle does not come without its risks, and often attracted the ire of their irritable Tuathak neighbours.\n\nDuring these vulnerable migrations, more of the population was allocated to warrior and guard positions, and over the centuries the Gelcollers have adapted to host the largest levied army of the remaining Snecboth nations.
+8% National Manpower Modifier
+8% National Sailors Modifier

Domcolle LodgesWhile the Snecboth tend to live in temporary camps, it is considered a great honour to own a hunting lodge. Often built to house as many as thirty, these large halls are designed to remain hidden in the deep forests, swathed in fresh branches in the summer and laden with snow in the winter. Prestigious clans often gather to celebrate at these locations at the hospitality of their host, whom they honor with a great hunt for a monstrous beast!
-10% Construction Cost

The Unbound NorthUnder Gelcoller law, almost all lands are free to travel and graze upon, for it belongs for the benefit of all. These lands were granted to us by the Fey Lords upon our departure from the Domandrod under the assumption that all would be free to live as they wish. The Eighard Tuathak and the Strutmari Peitar have broken this dream, bestowing titles of land and depriving all of their right to roam the land as they will!
-1 National Unrest

Fermented LandfishSurvival in the backwoods is in question every day, so it is no wonder that the gastronomic traditions of Gelcolle would be peculiar. Of especial note is the landfish, an odd creature that swims throughout the air and is caught with nets attached to long poles. However, the landfish is not normally edible, for even when cooked it contains potent poison. The only way to prepare landfish is to pickle it in brine and bury it for weeks, giving it a pungent odor and a taste just as sharp. Gelcollers enjoy their landfish with zeal, and boast that their fermented fish is far stronger than the Dalric sailors version.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Boreal DragoonsThe ancient Snecboth warriors preferred to ride great antlered elk into battle, firing arrows beyond enemy reach and melting back into the forest. With these traditions it was not difficult for them to adapt to modern weaponry; armed with carbines, the Boreal Dragoons could deliver far more deadly shots without sacrificing the required speed. Such was their prowess that later Gelcoller armies would still focus their attention on cavalry maneuvers, a stark opposite to the infantry-focused armies of Eordand and Cannor.
+0.5 Cavalry Fire

+1 Land Leader Shock


