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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Shock
+15% Movement Speed

The Shrouded CircleThe Shrouded Circle is the governing body of Gasha. It operates with an aura of secrecy and is, even to most of its own citizens, largely an enigma. Their decisions, rituals, and practices are shrouded in mystery, veiled from the prying eyes of outsiders. The council members are chosen based on their exceptional mastery of druidic arts, their deep connection with the corrupted jungle, and their unwavering loyalty to the Grand Hierophant. While the Circle is small in number it employs the use of another two bodies, the Hidden Eyes and the Army, to aid in governance and enforce order, especially on those they deem as disloyal or non-lizardfolk.
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

LizardwoodWhile the Gasha attitude and treatment of other races does hamper trade, some commerce is required to keep the nation afloat. Export of the jungle’s riches, most notably prized jungle wood of all kinds, makes up the bulk of the economy of the nation. Due to the faster growing nature of the magical trees grown by the druids of our nation, we can afford to sell wood without hampering our ability to use our magic and control the life around us.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Tree WhisperersThe most powerful of our druids are able to communicate with the Jungle itself. The trees communicate as one, forming an immense, latent, non-sentient gestalt which responds to our command and aids us in any endeavor, be it to ambush our enemies or to escape them. While this is no easy feat even for the best of the best, it is enough at the very least to make it harder for any foe to destroy us.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Hidden EyesOur spies are no one. Each scale is seen differently by everyone else. They are capable of fitting into most environments, every court or humble abode, all while our enemies are too blind to notice their presence. Infiltration and assassination is in their blood. They owe this to their vigorous training in the Shadow Swamp, which begins while they are still hatchlings. They lurk and hunt through the marshes with the hags and trolls as their mentors, honing both their magical and non magical abilities, learning to become one with shadow, or dying in the attempt. Our connections with the hags and trolls have allowed us to acquire materials and potions necessary create the very best spies known to lizardkind.
+25% Spy Network Construction

Living WeaponsThe human and halfling creatures of our region, and even our fellow lizardfolk, have historically used a variety of weapons and methods of combat; we, however, are unique. Utilizing the nature around us, we can create walls as strong as those found in the land of Khet or turn simple mushrooms into dispensers of potent poisons. This unique way of fighting is at its peak in a siege. Sieges are often costly affairs, but we circumvent some of the logistical burden of assembling siege weaponry by using the vines in trees and the very roots of those same trees to crack the walls of any foe like nuts - sparing the lives of our valuable warriors in the process.
+10% Siege Ability

Druidic MagicOur nation is famed for its magic involving all sorts of plants and fungi. At its root our magic starts by steeping seeds and spores alike in the raw magic of rituals and spells, essentially mutating them. This form of magical horticulture makes the plants or fungi magical, just like any other magical being, less powerful than animals or sentient beings exposed in the same way, but more pliable and open to command. These magical sessile creatures grow faster, live longer and are larger and durable than their non-magical counterparts. It's these traits which allow us to use them in ways others can’t, most importantly for war.
+10% Morale Damage

Fruits of The JungleNot all of our druids are dedicated to combat; some specialize in caring for the jungle, growing fruits which are packed with all a lizard needs. These energy-dense fruits allow our soldiers, slaves or not, to last in the jungle for many weeks. The fruit allows our strategy to be more flexible, needing not to rush into every opportunity for battle, as we might be able to win by just biding our time. In our forts, these come in handy, allowing us to stand comfortably inside our walls while our enemy kills itself due to lack of food and water.
-15% Land Attrition

-5 Years of Separatism


