Garsvulshim Ideas

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-10% Construction Cost
+15% Fort Defence

DoomhungerersFor most ogres, religiosity is only a means to an end; that end being to justify gorging themselves on whatever morsel passes their way. But our clan is known as the most devout followers of Iskerag Vulshor, with our chefs and their grand ritual feasts blessed by shamans. Others pay no need to our warning: that famine of the soul is as deadly as famine of the body. Only through ritualistic and diverse consumption can the twin hungers be satisfied. To gorge purposelessly and perpetually is to invite the body to cannibalize the soul! Doom shall gnaw at your guts and sup on your spirit! Doom hungers!
+2% Missionary Strength

KelaktarThe clans of the Fathides build great and imposing fortified cities, housing their entire clan and their retainers, along with those clanless either seeking protection or a chance to rise through society.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Devourers of the GodsOur power comes from our devouring of our old gods, the True Giants, long ago. Even now, the fact that we and we alone were allowed to partake in this grand feasting confirms our superiority, and proves that our destiny is to rule all the lands our hungry eyes can see.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Covetous CulinariansThe chefs of Garsvulshim are renowned in ogre society for their culinary genius, and push all the ingredients of the plains to their limits. As knowledge of lands beyond the plains spread and interactions with the Triunic humans became more common, chefs fell over themselves to acquire new ingredients and experiment with flavor profiles that were at once bizarre and inspired.
-10% Idea Cost
+25% Innovativeness Gain

Ogrish DiplomacyWe Ogres aren't exactly renowned for our charisma, with many smaller races terrified by our mighty girth and "barbaric" practices. We can use our intimidating physique to our advantage however, for it is widely known that a threat from an ogre is never an empty one.
+50% Power Projection From Insults
-10% Unjustified Demands

Feasting HallsThe centerpiece of any proper Ogre city, the feasting halls are massive buildings packed with revellers and supplying diverse buffets of flesh, produce, and drink. When confronted by this grand bounty, many times brawls end up breaking out. While these scuffles may cause a bit of damage, they ensure we always know where to look for new warriors.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

The Enduring LardersThe historical territory of Garsvulshim has always had the most abundant farms within the domain of Maghargma. Accordingly, it has often been beset by raiders from the northern wild clans while simultaneously paying heavy tithes to their southern overlords. To survive, Garsvulshim developed impressive agricultural and irrigation techniques so that they could always maintain a protected food surplus, which also allowed them to endure through periods of scarcity like famine or sieges. However, this only encouraged more raids and more tithes, and launched an arms race of food production, hoarding, and theft. Having endured this for centuries, the clan seethes at every grasping hand that threatens their wealth of food.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

-25% Administrative Advisor Cost