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Primary Culture

-20% Galley Cost
yes May Raid Coasts

Among the FirstSettlements inhabited by the Frostbridgers date back thousands of years, some dating back as far as the ancient era of the Kings of Ebonsteel. Only having been abandoned during the Age of Frost, when Elkaesals froze Gerudia.
-10% Construction Cost

Bone HullsAfter extracting all the important materials from the whales, the citizens of Sporreyn, through an ancient and secret process, harden the bones of the whales to the point of being harder than normal wood and use them for the hulls of the galleys, giving them an advantage in sea engagements.
+20% Galley Combat Ability

Wealth of the SerpentsheadAlthough not the richest land in the world, the waters of the Serpentshead are rich in marine life, a fact that is exploited by the whaling fleets, which, with the experience gained over thousands of years, know how to seek out the best fishing grounds and bring subsistence to their communities. But it is not only the whaling fleets that take advantage of the riches of the Serpentshead, the sons of the Frostbridges have a tradition that goes back centuries in the distant past of Gerudia, is called Sphyfeskar and is the ability to dive into the icy waters in search of fresh fish with spears, but also to hunt the large native shellfish of the Serpentshead, such as the Red King Lobster, prized in the courts of the south. The tradition of the Sphyfeskar was a tradition which was inherited to the Pearlsedger by the Dalricks who went together with Henrik Divenscourge and founded the kingdom of Pearlsedge, this tradition allowed them to find the beautiful pearls by which the kingdom would become rich.
+10% Production Efficiency

Svek and DvharhelA popular tale among the Frostbridgers, it tells of the great struggle between a whaler named Svek, against a colossal and very aggressive whale named Dvharhel. The story, although very old, inspires children to become great sailors and imitate the legendary Svek.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

HvhakzersDuring the war against our eternal enemies of the Serpetsgard, we were defeated by those who would found the Order of the Knights of the Serpent. They infiltrated and took the castle behind our backs, and we have never forgotten this humiliation. Those warriors who never recovered from the humiliation, formed a specialized band of Reavers called the Hvhakzers, with the objective of breaking the Order, and avenging our past humiliation.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+1 Blockade Impact on Siege

Skjlvinsuten ProtectorsThe Frostbridgers are in charge of guarding the dangerous Frost Way (O Skjlvinsuten), between the colonial possessions of Dalr and Konungdómr in Dalaire. This position was given to them by the Konungr Gurdur, in recognition of the great skills the Frostbridgers possess in navigating the treacherous waters of the Northern Thaw. The ships used for this dangerous journey are decorated in specific ways and carry such things as small icebreakers on the bow to eliminate tiny icebergs before they touch the hull of the ship, and also usually carry large unique flags bearing the Bear on an Iceberg, to alert pirate fleets or enemy fleets that attacking one of these ships will have great consequences.
+20% Ship Trade Power

The Crimson BridgeDuring the great betrayal, the kingdom of Bjarnrík was usurped by those who preferred a comfortable life under the Northern League, but we did not. We Frostbryggi hosted the royal fleet, and fought to the bitter end led by the last ruler of Bjarnrík, Konungr Osvald I Bjarnsson. We fought with the goal of preserving our homeland, but the Northern League proved too strong for us. The last battle of the Frostbridges was fought to the very last, until the bay turned red and only ended when the konungr fell. Since then the Gerudian rebels have watched the tides with pride and awe, those who would rather die on their feet than live on their knees.
+15% Morale of Navies


