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Primary Culture

-10% Leader Cost
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Freemen's RevoltThe Green Slave Trade is primarily known for selling orcs overseas to Aelantir, but what many historians overlook is the appearance of half-orcish slaves, who were born into and lived their entire lives as slaves. Varbuk was one of these half-orcs, having been born in Dalaire to an orcish mother and a human master.\n\nIn 1597 after witnessing his master brutally kill his mother, Varbuk managed to break free and killed his master along with his entire family, liberating orcish and half-orcish slaves. Calling themselves 'Varbuk's Freemen', they moved around Dalaire freeing other slaves and causing havoc on the colonists. The revolt was seeing plenty of success until the colonial armies managed to secure few key victories and pushing former slaves deeper into Dalaire.\n\nHaving nowhere else to go, Varbuk led his men into the Cursed Forest. Colonial armies chose to let them go, believing they would perish against the Cursed Ones. However, that was not the case.\n\nAfter several years of traversing the forest and fighting off the locals, Freemen have emerged on the other side. Exhausted and injured, Varbuk and his Freemen have finally achieved their dream of freedom and settled on the border of the forest they emerged from.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

New Home For New PeopleHalf-orcs, whether born in Escann or Aelantir, are all a product of a Greentide. They have no ancestral homeland, no place to call their own. And thus it is alright to move them wherever is needed. Those were the lies told to half-orcish slaves by their masters. In truth, a half-orc can make himself a home wherever he wants! Our ancestors were forced into existence in Aelantir, and thus Aelantir shall be our new home.
+20 Global Settler Increase

Muroga The HuntressDuring the years of slavery half-orcs have adopted Cannorian faith as opposed to worshipping Dookan. They particularly hold a reverence to Falah, in part because of Muroga the Huntress. A half-orcish priestess of Falah, Muroga lived in an outlying village which was raided and burned by the Cursed Ones. Muroga is said to have been killed during the raid, but came back to life and led the counterattack against the raiders. Muroga was last known to have charged into the Forest all by herself. Since that incident Freemarches had no Cursed One raid for nearly a decade.\n\nThe Freemarcher clergy have declared Muroga to have been an avatar of Falah, a claim disputed elsewhere in the Regent Court countries.
+15% Female Advisor Chance
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Gray GuardIn 1670s Freemarches started receiving Gray Half-Orc adventurers from Cannor, specifically from Grombar. These adventurers shared their stories of great battles and general success of Grombar as a whole.\n\nInspired by existence and glory of another half-orcish nation, Freemarches established an official contact with the Grombari and invited adventurers and veterans to settle in their lands. Branded 'The Gray Guard', these half-orcs share much of their experience with the younger generations of Half-Orcs born in Aelantir.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Trials Of The ForestTrials of the Forest is a rite of passage for male soldiers in Freemarches, inspired by the Freemen's initial crossing of the forest. Young half-orcs have to go into the Forest of the Cursed Ones and survive there for ten days without any help from the outside. Most Freemarchers are taught survival skills from young age in order to better prepare themselves for the trials. As a result, soldiers end up better equipped for the lack of resources and are able to find provision in the wild more easily.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

By Half-Orcs For Half-OrcsAfter Varbuk's Freemen left the Forest of the Cursed Ones and entered Ynn, Varbuk sent some of his men to the west, to find more about local Ynnics in hopes of them providing safe haven and protection for half-orcs. Unfortunately, the men sent were attacked by Amacimsti soldiers who thought them to be Cursed Ones. Outraged by that act, Varbuk declared that half-orcs can't rely on anyone but themselves and must build their own future.\n\nThis policy has persisted long after Varbuk's death. Freemarches typically stay out of Ynnic conflicts and prefer being solely around their own kind as well as calling Freemarches the country 'made by half-orcs for half-orcs.'
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

The Bond BreakerCursed Ones have been a constant opponent of half-orcs even during Varbuk's initial crossing of the forest, in part due to Kinbond - a telepathic link that allows Cursed Ones to communicate with each other at a distance. Fortunately, Freemarches wasn't the only country with desire to tame the forest.\n\nGnomes from the Broken Sea faced the same problem of Cursed Ones' raids and resistance. To combat them, they invented the Bond Breaker - a small metallic rod that operates at the same frequency as Kinbond, distracting and confusing the affected Cursed Ones for a short period of time. The rod however could work only at a short distance. In order to properly test and utilise this new invention gnomes needed to get close enough to the Cursed Ones.\n\nNot willing to waste their own lives for this, the artificers contacted Freemarches with an offer. They would employ some half-orcs and have them venture into the forest alongside gnomish expeditions to act as a protection against the Cursed Ones, and in return gnomes would provide some Bond Breakers for Freemarcher use. Half-orcs accepted gnomish offer, and this dual endeavor greatly decreased half-orcish losses against their old enemies.
-10% Land Attrition

-20% Culture Conversion Cost


