Forest Hiding Okapi Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+25% Income from Vassals

Forest Hiding OkapiThe Tribe of Forest Hiding Okapi live in isolation from most of the outside world. This decision is not out of mistrust, like those of the Violent Hearted Goose to the north, rather as a byproduct of the pursuit to regain the lost connection to the animal world. Many of the Forest Hiding Okapi, especially shapeshifters, spend their lives amongst packs of animals, learning their behaviours and body language. \nThe result is a tribe a little more savage than most but also a land full of packs far less skittish to humans. A proof that their cause isn’t as futile as some may perceive
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Age GradesWhen Tanizu children reach the age of nine, they are trained to take part in a sacred ritual enacting the story of the great struggle of beasts and men against the enraged creator and the plants of the earth. When they are sixteen, all the children of their age enact the ritual, signaling a transition in life to adult responsibilities and military training. The children who complete this ritual progress through life together, taking part in successive rituals that mark each passage into a new phase of life. The close bonds this creates gives the Tanizu a highly organized force of warriors.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Rememberers of Beast and ManAmong the Tanizu there are those who awaken to the power of the beast within their spirit, experiencing a sudden flash of power as they perform the sacred ceremonies. These newly awakened mongoose shifters, leopard shifters, and elephant shifters are inducted into special lodges of their kinds and taught to use medicine by the elders. Each shifter is a great asset to their tribe.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

Ceremonial MarriagesThe Tanizu are spread over many villages and small tribes, each with their own rituals and relationship with the spirits of the land. Great Tanizu leaders and their children sometimes ceremonially marry important chiefs, creating familial bonds but living apart as separate households. Because the Tanizu do not practice monogamy or restrict marriage to being between the opposite sex, this creates incredibly complex networks of familial ties that stretch across the entirety of the tribes.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Village WatchersTanizu villages sport many wooden figurines fashioned in the likenesses of heroes and warriors. These all face outward, protecting the village from evil spirits and the witchcraft of the hags. When a village is truly threatened, nails are driven into them and the village’s guardian spirits animate to battle.
+5% Fort Defence
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

IbijubzaIbijubza are large root vegetables grown in Tanizu villages. They are soft and sweet tasting when cooked, pairing well with the milk of cattle or on their own. There is no formal harvest time for the ibijubza, for they grow all year round, but they are usually planted after festival days and harvested before them
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Alternate ModelWhen the Cannorians first met the Tanizu they were fascinated by their minimally hierarchical societies and matriarchal tendencies. Many famous Cannorian philosophers have written treatises theorizing on how the structures of Tanizu society might be applied to Cannorian society to make it more equal. As for the Tanizu, they are already equal.
+1 Yearly Prestige

+1 Diplomatic Relations