Fengzhaobu Ideas

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+20% Fort Defence
+25% Garrison Size

Path of the Crouching TigerThe monks of Fengzhaobu follow a loosely-defined code known as the Path of the Crouching Tiger. Passed down through oral tradition by masters to their disciples, this code teaches patience during peace and savagery when a pounce is necessary.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Hidden ClawsIt is said that within the Forest of a Thousand Claws, there are hidden claws behind every tree.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+5% Shock Damage

The Battle of Qianzhaolin"It is 1069, and the legions of Jaher are on yet another eastward march. Passing the sacred peak of Tughayasa, they follow the winding road down into Qianzhaolin, and the sun hangs high above as the trees close around them and their line stretches thinner and thinner. After hours of marching they had begun to tire - this is when the crouching tigers pounced. A horde of roaring harimari poured from the trees and descended upon Jaher's narrow line, and by nightfall, the elves were in full retreat."\n-Excerpt from 'The Eastern Campaigns'
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+100% Prestige from Land battles

A Nation Founded by DesertersThough the Path of the Crouching Tiger has been practiced in the area for millennia, it found its most fervent and effective practitioners in harimari deserters, many of whom shirked orders and went native upon being assigned to the famously deadly post of Qianzhaolin in the years following Harimar's conquests.
+20% Manpower Recovery Speed

Every Soldier a HunterIn heavily-wooded Xianjie, it is rare for a man to not know how to hunt. The Fengzhaobu are especially apt hunters, and their soldiers are trained extensively in the arts of tracking and trapping.
-20% Land Attrition

Defenders of the WeakThe Path of the Crouching Tiger is known throughout the Xia for their commitment to the defense of those in need, and their disciples are taught to bare their claws with prejudice in response to villainy.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Guardians of the BorderAs the Xia has become more centralized, the monks of Fengzhaobu and their martial teachings have been tasked with defending the borders of Xianjie against foreigners who would seek to invade, be they humans, harimari, hobgoblins, oni or - heavens forbid - more elves.
+5% Discipline

+1 Yearly Devotion+1 Yearly Horde Unity+1 Yearly Legitimacy+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition