Enlarmai Ideas

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-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Shining Jewel of the NorthOne of the first regions to stabilize after the chaos of the Ruin were the Larankarha Highlands, where the Slaver-Nobles were quickly expelled with the help of the Imperial refugees from Tacenie. With its relative stability and well-preserved magical traditions from before the Ruin, the Endioka Valley making up the southern portions of the Larankarha Highlands quickly became one of the main centers of Taychendi civilization.\n\nOver the years, however, the Endioka Valley has slowly faded in importance due to its lesser fertility, political relevance and wealth in rare resources in comparison to areas like the Kalavend, the Iron Cities or the Vyech. The once great cities of the Larankarha like Sithra Calindash or Imarti Sadyva have been gradually deserted, with entire districts now devoid of life, earning them the title “the Ruin Cities”. \n\nEnlarmai, however, has managed to escape this fate. Founded by the emperor Ebenanth Starshear as a Kalavendhi military colony in 43, the city gradually assimilated into Larankarha culture, and, thriving off trade and raids in the Kalavend, has remained a major center in northern Taychend, the Shining Jewel of the North.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Eight KingdomsThroughout the centuries, the Larankarha have been unified a total of eight times by various city-states, each taking up the title of kingdom of Larankar. The city of Enlarmai itself ruled over three of these kingdoms, including the greatest of them all: the Second Kingdom of Larankar.\n\nFounded in 186 upon the ashes of Yodhan’s Empire, the Second Kingdom allowed the Endioka Valley and its many resplendent cities to flourish. Preferring to look inwards, the kingdom cared not a whit for the warlords’ relentless wars outside of their borders, and delayed the spread of such traditions among the Larankarha for a few centuries. During the rule of the Mudaliar Empire, the kingdom was allowed to keep its integrity in exchange for paying tribute to the emperors. The collapse of the Mudaliar Empire would spell the Second Kingdom’s doom, which collapsed in 428, having continuously existed for 242 years. The collapse of the Second Kingdom would mark the start of the Ruin Cities’ slow decay, as endemic warfare and infighting seeped into the region from the rest of Taychend, along with other southern practices.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Seronraha the MarauderSeronraha the Marauder was the ruler of Enlarmai from 711 to his death in 748. After inheriting the throne from his paranoid father, he led the city in a conquest spree throughout the Larankarha Highlands. In 713, only two years after his rise to power, Seronraha declared the birth of the Fifth Kingdom of Larankar.\n\nUnder his rule, the Larankarha started looking southwards. Although the occasional raiding party often desolated parts of the Kalavend and Yodhanchend, the Larankarha had never properly conquered territories outside of their ancestral homelands before then, the last attempt to do so during the Third Kingdom of Larankar having failed miserably at the Siege of Banderuttai, ending in the kingdom’s dissolution. However, with sweeping military reforms and the disunity of his Kalavendhi and Yodhanpir neighbors, Seronraha saw the opportunity to rise to greatness.\n\nOver the 35 years of its existence, the Fifth Kingdom conquered much of Mahred Rayodana, Kattisangamar and Banderuttai as well as the upper Kalavend. Seronraha is particularly famous for his astonishing victory at the Battle of Parahechend and subsequent sack of Nanru Nakar, a feat only replicated a few times throughout history. Unfortunately, the Fifth Kingdom collapsed after Seronraha’s death due to its innumerable internal issues.
+50% Looting Speed

Stream of the EndiokaThe Endioka, the Great River of the Larankarha, is one of the most important arteries of trade in Taychend. Down its calm stream can be found the merchant city of Clematar, the inland sea of the Taras’su Ervan, and way down the Agotham river flowing from the Taras’su Ervan, the slaver Nekheis of Empkeios. The river is the most crucial overland trade route with the Kheionai, who are known for their exotic products and eager trade in Taychendi slaves. \n\nEnlarmai traders have a vast mercantile network spanning the entire stream of the Endioka, the city serving as a link between the Kheionai, Larankarha and Kalavendhi civilizations. The city’s great markets are always overflowing foreign products, from Nakari silk to Urvandi gold, alongside Kheionai wine, Yodhanpir iron, and of course, slaves from all Andeios.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Goldclad NemesisAlthough the Shining Jewel is one of the greatest cities of the Endioka Valley, its dominance hasn’t gone unquestioned. Clematar, the port on the Taras’su Ervan, has long prospered from opportunistic slave raids, but the main rival of Enlarmai has always been Urvand, the High City of Opulence, built on gold and pride. The two cities have held a mutual hatred ever since the betrayal of Elorkar the Traitor-King led to the collapse of the Third Kingdom of Larankar during its conquest of the Iron Hills.\n\nAfter the collapse of the Great Gophiran Empire, the Endioka Valley was quickly consolidated by Enlarmai and Urvand into two rival blocks. Over the following century, the two city-states embroiled themselves in a devastating series of conflicts, as neither seemed to be able to gain an upper hand or wished to bow to the other one. However, in 1418, after a decisive Enlarmai victory in the Battle of Sithra Calindash, Urvand was finally defeated, Enlarmai storming the city after a short siege and slaughtering the entire ruling Kaonrippavar dynasty. For a few years, Enlarmai crushed revolts, finishing its conquest of the Endioka Valley in 1427 with the subjugation of Clematar.
+1 Leader Siege

Erankar's ScarUnfortunately for Enlarmai, not all members of the Kaonrippavar dynasty were slaughtered in the capture of Urvand: Erankar the Defiant, only a child at the time, was smuggled out of the burning city by his nurse, surviving in the wilderness by himself for several years. Erankar grew to be a formidable warrior, quickly rising through the ranks of the fiercest Taychendi mercenary bands.\n\nEventually, at the head of the Hadas Katti, Erankar came back to Urvand to take revenge for what Enlarmai had done to his family, seizing his birthright and then defeating the King of Enlarmai in battle. The Shining Jewel was put to the sword, thoroughly sacked by Erankar’s forces and razed to the ground, with a great portion of its population being killed or fleeing to the nearby city of Aidkalenti.\n\nAlthough Enlarmai would eventually gain its independence once more as the Larankarha Empire collapsed with the arrival of the Sun Elves, Erankar’s conquest would leave an indelible mark on the city-state. Fearing suffering the same fate as the other Ruin Cities, Enlarmai gradually cut itself off from the rest of Taychend, leading to the foundation of a hermit kingdom, rid of destabilizing foreign influence and dedicated to maintaining tight control of the warlords within its borders.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Coming Back to RealityDespite the attempts to cut themselves off from the world, it was obvious that the state’s serenity wouldn’t last forever, a prediction first fulfilled by the upheaval of the Kamrayakval’s war, and then by Nanru Nakar’s subjugation of the upper Endioka Valley in 1698. When the Nakari came, with a modernized army nearly 50,000 strong, they had no answer.\n\nThe subjugation would be a bitter taste of reality for Enlarmai, as the kingdom realized the importance of the military they had been neglecting. The Nakari Kingdom would be broken in 1734 by the combined revolt of Kalavendhi warlords and Enlarmai, led by the military hero and subsequent king Jalinpan Vadula the Liberator. Jalinpan not only implemented many military reforms, building and maintaining fortifications at the borders of the kingdom, he also set himself to the arduous task of reforming the culture of Enlarmai. Vice would be replaced with virtue, complacency with vigilance. Enlarmai finally emerged from its century of isolation, building on foreign technologies while still emphatically rejecting Cannorian or Kheionai ideas. By the time of Jalinpan Vadula’s death in 1777, Enlarmai was proud, independent and strong – ready and willing to return Taychend to the traditions it had long neglected.
+20% Garrison Size
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

+10% Domestic Trade Power