Elephant Hobgoblin Ideas

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-15% Fort Maintenance
-10% Shock Damage Received

Now We RebuildSouth Haless fell to the hobgoblins unceremoniously, thoroughly beaten to submission after countless campaigns. The countryside is scarred, with countless villages becoming deserted and overgrown. What good can come from a land of ashes? The lands of our dominion need to be guided back to prosperity at any moment of peace, as the only way to preserve our status is to make sure the land is rich and its resources exploited.
-10% Development Cost

Volume from TalentA state lives or dies off of the resources it can extract from its subjects. Those that fail do so because they cannot extract enough. However, this is a concern we have never had - our artisans are more skilled than any other Great Command, capable of outputting larger quantities of goods than any competitor, ensuring that Elephant goods will always remain relevant.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Enforcement of Building SafetyThe Bizo Sunyanun Yapu is the ministry dedicated specifically to regulating the construction and operation of buildings, enforcing a singular, definitive code of regulations that all construction projects must follow. Any project that does not follow these rules is scrapped, and anything that tries to bypass them is promptly demolished as retribution. Similarly severe punishments await those who think they are clever...\n\nIn any case, the strict regulations make the planning phase of constructions much cheaper.
-15% Construction Cost

Fort RepurposingThe old Xiaken and the city-states of the Bom had a remarkably deep knowledge of engineering. Their constructions, no doubt the products of experience, are well suited for weathering attacks - myriad secret passages, thick walls, and wise placement. The other Commands would have no appreciation of the value of these fortresses, but not us. We will use these forts to their fullest potential, and through that we can make the rest remember how much effort the old war-campaigns truly took.
+20% Fort Defence

Kintonan ShinobiThe Kintonan living within the Xia have retained a not-insignificant sum of their martial past, which sometimes manifests itself in unexpected and useful ways. The Kintonan can be drawn from to create a group of covert operatives that are capable of using various styles to perform better than any other spies in the area. Formalized, and titled the shinobi, these agents can do so much more for the state when they don't need equipment to keep themselves alive.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection
+20% Spy Network Construction

Glory to the BuildersWhat is the one group that no society can do without? It is their builders! Without builders, the entire state would collapse - for none could maintain the roads, none could construct buildings, none could perform the labor that keeps all the world running! There is no-one, anywhere, who can match the masterpieces that these laborers can make when their abilities are properly cultivated. Indeed, it so happens that this line of thought is quite popular in southern Haless...
+10% Elephant Command Influence
+10% Elephant Command Loyalty Equilibrium

Mandatory Chi CultivationAll beings have chi, the energy of life - this is fact. The more chi a thing has, the more powerful it is. In any other Command, practices like these would be repressed - but the Elephants know better! Cultivating chi through meditation and specialized exercise is commonplace among both Elephant and Kintonan, and even mandatory for all soldiers in the military. Not only are soldiers better and stronger, a rich martial tradition has developed around hobgoblins performing group breathing.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+5% Discipline

+1 Leader Siege