Elaienni Ideas

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+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Willing MatesThe Hunt had us fly out and kidnap potential mates, while this proved effective in the olden days and in areas where there were plenty of mates to be found. In our empty homelands it was much more effective to have our mates come to us. This effectiveness increased when we struck up a deal with the elves that live out in the desert, giving us high quality breeding stock while they got use of our water supplies.
+50% Chance of New Heir
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Traditions of the JaddWith our stepping into the light of the Jadd came its traditions. While other harpy clans had difficulty accepting any featherless creature as having equal standing, to us their worth was clear. We accepted them much more readily and made use of their specific skills to enhance our own.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

Her Royal HighnessStarting with Jasiéne, the matriarchs of the Elaiénna clan have increasingly focused on establishing connections and developing diplomatic ties with other nations. The education of young noble harpies changed to facilitate that, ensuring a greater diplomatic ability for our heirs.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

A Wink and a SmileWhen the harpies visited the societies of men and elves, they discovered more ways for them to influence their actions: Through wit and charm. They started learning what made them tick and refined their techniques to always make the best first impression and ensure that they would always be the star of the show. In time this made them much desired guests on noble feasts and at royal courts.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Pillow TalkMen, whether humans, elves or otherwise, tend to talk in bed. The ladies of Elaiénna discovered this quite early on. They will say anything, betray any secret, to impress a charming lady. They are also much more easily manipulated when they don't have their pants on. Making optimal use of this opportunity became part of the education of any young harpy looking to involve themselves into foreign relations.
+50% Spy Network Construction

Visiting Foreign CourtsJasiéne saw that the way forward for her clan would be through their connection with other races. She encouraged her daughters and her friends and the entirety of her nation to visit courts nearby and far to learn from them and to forge new connections. The network that arose from that allowed quicker flow of new ideas into the country.
+1 Diplomats
+25% Institution Spread

Winged MessengersWhile this ability came for unfeathered races much later. In this time our envoys had great advantages in speed due to the ability to be carried on the wind. They were able to cross great distances that others weren't without the need for roads and mounts. While this did often require some freshening up after the voyage, it meant far swifter reactions to conflicts and opportunities.
-25% Envoy Travel Time

+3 Diplomatic Relations