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Primary Culture

+33% Female Advisor Chance
+20% Ship Trade Power
+10% Trade Efficiency

Unbroken RepublicThe Republic of Ekha was established in 332 BA in opposition to Menkaunswt's conquest of Akasik. Despite being defeated on land, Ekha stood strong on the waves and managed to strike a favorable peace deal, keeping its autonomy in exchange for tribute. This continued until Damerians invaded Kheterata in 105 BA. This presence of another successful democracy in the Divenhal reassured the people of Ekha about republican government. Akasik was then conquered once again in 475 AA by Crodamic people. For some time the country was a vassal state of Akasik, until Sedoric I granted Ekha title of march as a gratification for help during Akasi Civil War. During the Era of Black Ice Akasik was conquered by Gerudian reaver Henrik Divenscourge, however his rule quickly ended and the people of Akasik took their land back from invaders. However, now Ekha is at the brink of destruction - the gnollish horde of Viakkoc is at the gates, only stopped by a yearly tribute. But the republic will not fall - not now and not in the future!
+10% Morale of Armies

Dechan FrontierEkha is uniquely situated at the westernmost point in Sarhal which gives us geographical advantage to explore what lies beyond the vast ocean. This, combined with the dire situation of the country, gave the Dechan movement an opportunity to rise. Many merchants and traders travel to the new world establishing outposts and settlements to profit from transoceanic trade. Some of them however, want to escape their homeland, seeing the republic and vision of free Akasik as doomed; their foolishness will bring us glory and gold.
+20 Global Settler Increase

Desati SisterhoodPeople of Ekha don't consider Planetouched as holy as ancient Akasi or Fangaulans, but they still are an important part of culture and society; Desati Sisterhood exemplifies this state of things. Many Desati sisters are planetouched which is seen as a sign of nobility and blessing from Mother Akasik. It is said that they descend from Storm-Queens - the ancient rulers of Akasik. While this claim is probably incorrect, their influence over the republic cannot be underrated; daughters of storm, as they call themselves, hold many important societal, government and military positions. They are based in numerous secluded sanctuaries in Akasik mountains however some live in city temples to help local communities.
-10% Advisor Cost
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Pri NebiwPri Nebiw, translating to "The House of Gold" refers to the splendorous palace in the center of the city of Ekha. It holds many important facilities - courts, assembly hall, diplomats and president's quarters, and even prison. Dripping with gold and silver, it is a prime example of eclecticism - it mixes elements of Businori, Imperial, Fangaulan, Akasi, Kheteratan and even Gerudian architecture. It was built in 479, but was rebuilt multiple times, each time adding new elements, mostly to appease the Ramset - legislative body of the government, but also to show power and extent of influence of the state. It is the place where the most important decisions in political life of the republic happen - a single topic can be debated for days, if not for months. People say that's not because of their love for the republic, but rather to spend more time looking at this beautiful piece of art. And with the new age of the republic comes a new Palace worthy of our mighty empire.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

New Ekhan ArsenalEkhan Arsenal is one of the oldest and most important institutions of Ekha, probably as ancient as the city itself. Its service to the republic is indisputable, providing quality ships for times of peace and war. It was expanded multiple times, most notably during The Third Cinder War in effort to fasten ship production. Despite its importance, it has fallen into disrepair in times of gnollish subjugation due to lack of sufficient funds. But now it stands greater and more efficient than ever, restored in 1521 thanks to patrician patronage and most notably Izemrasen kas Diven's gift. Our outstanding engineers and new technological advances in shipbuilding allows arsenal to streamline ship production producing up to 1 ship per day while keeping them at exceptional quality.
-5% Ship Costs
+5% Ship Durability

Herald of CivilizationsSince ancient times Ekha was the middleman between Fangaula and Cannor. Our merchants were always first to bring news from far and foreign lands. In recent time our republic and its influence grew even larger, spanning from Ruinborn civilization of Taychend, through Vyzemby halfling archipelago to scorching desert of Ardimya. Our merchants are great alternative trading partners to these peoples. This led to our people not only being knowledgeable about and more open minded to the world around them, but also made them experienced diplomats knowing multiple languages and customs from throughout the world.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Bus Akasi AcademyEven though Ekhan Naval Academy is the oldest naval university in the country, the biggest and the most famed is Bus-Akasu Academy. It was established in 1602 by Isawet Meddur in response to increased demand for experienced sailors following the spread of global trade and growing influence of the Republic. It recruits around 500 students each year, and many graduates are known throughout the world as experts in their field - from captains and admirals to marine engineers and naval architects. Since the 1630s it also schools Tefewmesa - elite marine regiments experienced in fighting on both land and sea. Trained in harsh conditions they are the best forces Ekha has to offer.
+10% Morale of Navies


