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Primary Culture

+10% Fort Defence
+10% Morale of Armies

Vanguard of the Hibernal CrusadeThe cold shores of the northern Fogharabh have long been a battleground between the Autumn and Winter Courts, but until the Hibernal Crusade only the city of Darblath and a few other possessions could remain under the hands of the Tuathak. Eighard stood as the bulwark of the Autumn Court against the unrelenting wintry winds for centuries, until matters of fate thrust them into greatness. Their hated enemies, the Snecboth, were lulled into a feeling of false safety, believing that they had nothing to fear from the Tuathak who cowered in their fortresses until the end of winter. Eighard developed a plan, gathering support from the old Autumn Court of Dorcurt and gathering a vast army of the faithful. A holy war to end the Winter once and for all was declared: once the Snecboth and their lands were conquered by Eighard and their allies, they could end their idolatry and cease the hated season forever!\n\nThe Hibernal Crusade won victory after victory, crushing the Winter Court and seizing the lands eastward towards what would become Jhorgashirr and Slegcal. All that remained was Gemradcurt, but the Esbagg of Eighard, Andrall Harvestcrown, knew that their allies would seize their conquered lands and sought to force their loyalty at Minnorac, the Field of Oaths. This proved to be a cataclysmic mistake, for they were ambushed there by the Strutmar Peitar and the unity of the Hibernal Crusade was shattered with the death of Esbagg Andrall Harvestcrown.\n\nFollowing the ambush at Minnorac, the remaining leadership of the Hibernal Crusade rushed to consolidate power and seized control of the conquered lands, forming the traitorous states of Jhorgashirr and Slegcal. While Eigharders view them as deserters, they do not show this openly, and their government has maintained friendly relations with them in a vain attempt to regain the influence they once held.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Warmth RitesBattered by the incessant frigid winds and waves, Darblath is a cold and mirthless place. Yet, it could be worse, for the hardships the Eigharders face have bestowed unto them unique spells and incantations. The traditional magical arts of the Autumn Court have been mastered and redefined: although all things must change like how the leaves change in the end of Autumn, perhaps it could be put off until later. The Warmth Rites were some of the first Eigharder spells, requiring intense and uninterrupted concentration by a team of no less than twelve druids. Over many years the Warmth Rites have acted as a ward against the cold, but have never been enough to keep old Winter at bay.
+1 Missionaries

Icewardery of DarblathThe second magical innovation of Eighard has permitted their Tuathak Legions to persist in the desolate northern wilderness. Only at the Icewardery of Darblath, a secluded building guarded far behind the Esbagg's fortress, are these enchantments prepared to ensure the exclusivity of their technique continues. Icewarded equipment often appear plain at first sight, no different from common armor, but beneath its surface are revealed a gleaming sheen on scratches or splinters. Donning icewarded equipment produces a warming effect on the wearer: while not enough to allow unlimited action in freezing temperatures, it is enough to permit Eighard's legions full ability to complete their complex and successful maneuvers.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Hibernal RequisitionsThe eternal struggle against the hated Winter has required an iron grip on all available resources, spurring the creation of the Hibernal Requisitions doctrine. During wartime, the Esbagg of Eighard may seize anything that is required for the war effort on the condition that the land or resource is returned or repaid, but any suspected cases of heresy will be dealt with harshly. When in Eighard it is wise to willingly surrender anything required for the Hibernal Requisition, as throughout its many years of usage almost all who refuse have been found and executed as Wintry informants.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Dour DyesThe bleak weather of Darblath harbor is reflected in its chief export: muted gray, blue, and brown dyes. The boreal hinterlands provide a bountiful source of these dyes, crushed from bark and squeezed from soil in stinking vats. These muted colors have become a proud heritage of Eigharders, claiming that it shows their humility and practicality. However, they are quick to boast that their dyes are far superior, and more plentiful, than Sglard's foppish bright dyes, not to even mention the garish pink of Dearktir!
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Boreal Vigilance CorpsThe backcountry roads, practically anywhere outside of Darblath and its immediate environs, are haunted by raiding Snecboth who threaten our very existence. Mobilizing the army against such threats is impractical, for they melt away into the frozen woods at the blink of an eye, and return just as quickly. To face such a threat the Boreal Vigilance Corps was established, composed of junior regiments that receive their training by patrolling the roadways.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Cult of RotUnending strife and hatred over many generations is not conducive to creating a welcoming and friendly society. Unable to back down from war with the Wintry heretics, many in Eighard have taken to extreme measures to ensure victory. The Cult of Rot upholds the nature of decay of fallen Autumn leaves, viewing that as the ultimate and just punishment for those convicted of execution. At first viewed as a troublesome but unimportant heretical cult by the mainstream Autumn Court who favor the aspect of Autumn as the season of harvest and preparation, the Cult of Rot seized control of Eighard overtime, slowly replacing the governorship until even their Esbagg adhered to their practices.\n\nTheir most infamous practice was the construction of a new prison in Darblath, a squat but deep building extending far into the earth, where heretics and prisoners were locked in pit-like cells and left until their body decayed into soil. The many bones left behind were showcased as a warning to would-be troublemakers, with some thrown into a massive pile outside the prison as example, and others left in a long corridor all over the floor and walls where domestic and foreign dignitaries were reminded of their fate should they fail.
+10 Maximum Absolutism
+0.5 Yearly Absolutism

-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion


