Dugiti Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Pechuketema PactIn 1368, the lord of Simegasfan marched upon Mewojala, sacking the city and annexing its lands. He then headed inland, raiding the hinterlands of the 4 cities. He then returned to his capital, vowing to come back next year and sack even more.\n\nThis brief period of time was just enough for the rulers of the 4 cities to come together, forming an at-first temporary alliance. For years, the Simegasans would invade, the cities would mobilize their armies, and the Simegasans would retreat with their loot.\n\nThis changed in 1384, when a new king ascended in Simegasa. He chose to finally conquer Manta. He gathered his great army and marched upon the city. The warriors of Manta chose to hide behind their walls and wait for the alliance. And the armies of the alliance came, and engaged Simegasa’s forces at the battle of Manta, where an unexpected attack by Manta’s warriors in the rear proved decisive. The besiegers were forced to flee, a great victory dealt to the Simegasan aggressors.\n\nIn the aftermath of the battle, the kings of the cities decided to forge the alliance in blood and ink, creating the Pechuketema Pact.
+1 Diplomats

The Glass CityFrom the earliest days of Dugiti’s existence, it has been the focal point of all Mengi glassmaking. Most glass used by the Mengi comes from Dugiti, which gives the city a firm monopoly on the material in East Sarhal. Even low quality glass commands premium prices, making it a material of prestige in Amilak’s domain. The monopoly that Dugiti has over such a desired product has led to massive amounts of wealth pouring into the city, fueling its growth far beyond what should be expected of the initially modest town.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Hundred GuildsOver the centuries, Dugiti has developed an extremely competitive environment. A hundred guilds can be found in Dugiti, all focused on perfecting the art of glass. Their competitiveness, while detrimental at times, has led to many ingenious innovations that would not have been discovered otherwise.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

Fire BreathersThe Dugiti were never known for their martial abilities, until 1596, when the city unleashed its new, experimental weapon upon the Trollish horde that besieged them, The weapon was a massive glass trumpet, enchanted by magic, where one blew air in and out came fire. The new weapon incinerated the horde, proving the weapon’s viability. It would not be long before the king of Pechuketema set the guilds to work, producing small, mobile fire breathers.\n\nWhile many Dugiti would take these fire breathers and become mercenaries, many more would join special "fire breather" brigades set up by Pechuketema. In battle, these specialized units would be used to intimidate and destroy the enemies’ morale, while also being useful in flushing out hidden ambushers.
+10% Land Fire Damage

The Ancient CitadelMillenia ago, there was a long-forgotten kingdom that ruled the lands of the inland Ofehibi. A great kingdom of its time, it built many structures across the land. While few stand today, there is one remnant of that ancient kingdom in the center of Dugiti, a deep black towering citadel. The city that bears the name "Dugiti" was built around this great citadel, after a local lord took over the abandoned structure, refurbished it, and made it his seat of power.\n\nEventually the citadel would be improved upon, and walls would be built around the settlement, yet the central structure remained crucial in Dugiti’s defense. Many times attackers would break through the walls, only to be unable to crack the ancient citadel.
+20% Garrison Size

Brittle SubjectsEvery kingdom faces internal struggles for power. This problem is made worse among Mengi kingdoms, where violence and assassinations are common practice among the ruling classes. However, no Dugiti royal has ever been assassinated, a rarity in Amilak’s domain. This is due to the lords of Dugiti and their families taking up permanent residence in the ancient citadel, within which they are safe from the constant violence and bloodshed outside.\n\nFrom their position of safety, the lords of Dugiti deliberately inflame the violence between the guilds and estates, such that they are too busy killing each other to fight against the king. This gave the kings of Dugiti much leverage over those below them, which they used to centralize power over time.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

A Combined ArmyWhen the Pechuketema Pact united into the Pechuketema Kingdom in the 1530s, the king sought to centralize the armies of the former member states. His military advisors were given free reign to craft a new, modernized army, ready to take on the new threats the kingdom faced. The tactics of all Pechuketema cities would be incorporated into this new army, which focused on an all-volunteer professional military. The Combined Army of Pechuketema was far ahead of its time compared to contemporary conscript-based Mengi armies, and was an example which the later Melakmengi army would emulate.
+0% Yearly Army Professionalism

+1 Land Leader Fire