Drisleaker Ideas

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+2% Missionary Strength
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

Challengers of the OathswornFor centuries, the Oathsworn of Pelomar have led the Eordellon crusades against the infidels, and for centuries the crusades have seen humiliation after humiliation. Not only did the Oathsworn suffer continous defeats, whenever they did manage to eke out a victory their weak wills would be content at merely preaching to the seasonalists, even as they openly defied the dictates of the Fey Lords. While the other Peitar were content to blindly follow this sorry excuse for a Champion, we were the first to finally have enough! Our ancestors threw Pelodan IV from his proud capital, claimed the mantle of Champion for ourselves, and finally showed the seasonalists the terror that they truly deserved.
-10% Province War Score Cost

Vindicated by HistoryThey called us traitors and usurpers for dethroning the Oathsworn. They called us zealots and sadists for the ways in which we enforced balance and justice upon the infidels. They even forged a deal with the wicked seasonalists in order to bring us down.\nBut centuries later, what do we see? Now the Peitar tribes openly defy words of the Oathsworn, seeing them for the feeble ramblings that they are. The same screams that our torturers and executioners once extracted out from the seasonalist can now be heard from all over the Peitar realms, even in the dungeons of the once so high and mighty Pelomar.\nPerhaps this era is finally ready to recognise us as the True Champions of the Fey?
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

In Defense of the Spring GateArankid, the Spring Gate, Ward of the Domandrod, lies under the protection of our people. Though our guardians may be outnumbered by the great realms of Eordand, our knowledge of the forests and how to fight in it more than makes up the difference. Ambushes, snipers, traps, poison; all of these and more are utilized in our duty. Even after Arakeprun conquered Arankid, they knew better than to approach the Spring Gate without asking our guardians for permission.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Ancient BeastsThe forests we call home are situated right next to the Domandrod itself, and are just as old and deep. Many great creatures unknown to lesser woods can be found here, and more still wander over from the Domandrod, both fair and hideous. It seems the area around the Spring Gate, with its powers of change and renewal, was extra susceptible to the horrific mutations and distortions that affected so many of the Domandrod fey during the Ruin. The hunters of Drisleak take great pride in hunting and slaying these beasts and aberrations, wearing their furs, horns and other body parts as symbols of status and prestige.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Rebuild DrisleakOnce, we had a city to call our own. Located on the very edge of the Domandrod and guarded by a wall of thorned vines, Drisleak was a city of ethereal magic where fey creatures were almost as common as people. But more than that, it was our home, and the center of our kingdom. When Pelodan V seized the city, he burned all of it to the ground, the precious mercy that he always showed to the infidels nowhere to be found. With our people once more free under our own banner, it is time to erect upon the ruins a new city, fit for the residence of the Champions of the Fey.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

Nowhere to HideAs we make war upon the seasonalists and the lesser Peitar, it becomes time to repurpose the skills we’ve learned defending our forests and hunting our prey into more aggressive pruposes. To blend in with the environment, to kill without being seen, to kill without even using a blade. Our enemies may think they are safe behind the walls of their forts and cities, but our agents will soon teach them that they have nowhere to hide.
+10% Siege Ability

Reunite the ClansEver since Pelodan V and his heretic allies destroyed Drisleak, our people have been divided under foreign overlords. If we want to unite into a proper force, we need to strengthen the bonds between the clans. By enforcing a new set of marriage and child adoption laws, we can strengthen the family ties between the clans, but even that may not be enough. Maybe even the traditional tribal identities themselves need to give way for something new.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+1 Missionaries