Doombringer Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Manpower in True Faith provinces

Destined for Greatness\"To this day, I do not know whether I am pleased that Clan Doombringer’s arrogance is justified or if I am simply angered\" – Brasûr Frozenmaw, 1433\n\nAlthough originally an obscure clan, the Doombringer clan experienced a meteoric rise in influence during the Graytide through their improbable and almost miraculous victories, which tipped the scales in favour of the orcs in the conquest of Vrorenmarch. Absurd events were commonplace: A sudden snowstorm preventing a disastrous cavalry counter-charge in the battle of Wudhal, enemy soldiers fumbling and tripping at critical moments, the timely collapse of several bridges cutting off enemy retreat, unnaturally deep fog obscuring lethal Doombringer ambushes...\n\nWith great deeds came great renown, and the Doombringers thus became a third great clan under Brasûr’s leadership. This boon came to great effect during the tumultuous and fratricidal dissolution of the Graytide year 1435, when the Doombringer clan secured their own holdings around the Giant’s Tears.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
-10% Province War Score Cost
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Doombringer ShamansMuch like the famed Clouded Eye clan, a Doombringer chieftain’s legitimacy comes primarily from the blessing of the shamans. Some ill-fated chieftains-to-be have tried to challenge this norm, but the shamans are not scorned lightly. It is known within the clan that the shamans command the power of luck and fate themselves, bringing misfortune and doom to their enemies, both internal and external. This, coupled with their power to bless the warriors who have their favour with good luck, leaves the Doombringer clan uniquely reliant upon their shamans.
+10% Religious Power
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Harbingers of DookanThe members of the Doombringer clan, bound by their unwavering faith in Dookan, uphold various ancient esoteric rituals and lore long forgotten by others. Amongst these old beliefs are fragments of a prophecy foretelling Dookan’s return. The exact wording is lost to time, but it is certain to the clan that to aid him in his return, it is imperative to prepare a realm in his name, the holy promised land for all orcs which Dookan so yearned for. To achieve this goal, the followers of weak gods and false prophets must submit.
+2% Missionary Strength

KordoukangOne of the key differences that has emerged between the Greentide and the Graytide is their philosophy of war. The limited number of Gray Orcs made every casualty costly, which meant that clans quickly started to value tactical and strategic thinking over simple strength. One of the most notable examples of this difference is the tradition of Kordoukang or “small war” in Orcish. Kordoukang is a festival which culminates in a war game, in which a city or a village garrison, led by local elders, designs a mock battle and invites promising young orc leaders to take part with their teams. These games both entertain watchers and provide challenge and the opportunity for growth for promising potential generals.
-10% Leader Cost

Inscribing MistakesThroughout their history, Gray Orcs have faced many enemies who tested their strength. Ogres, trolls, and knights of Vrorenmarch – all of these enemies proved to be a challenge for the orcs, so that proper recordkeeping became an advantage. By the time of the Gray Orc exile, the shamans of the Gray Orcs had started to record the outcome of battles, in particular noting what worked and what didn’t.\n\nOne of the most infamous orcish military failures, the battle of Snowclear, involved a large host of orcs which was almost fully destroyed by an unexpected assault of Vrorenmarcher cavalry in an open field. This event came to reshape early modern Gray Orc tactics entirely, to the point of avoiding engagement in open terrain unless odds are overwhelming.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Learning the Hard WayAfter their defeat and exile, Gray Orc clans lost most of the loot their clans had accumulated over centuries in the Serpentspine. Without dwarven tools, they had to learn how to produce equipment and goods on their own. While their goods were no true match in quality for their previous hauls, this monumental shift from the Black Orc plunder-and-pillage-mentality had large societal consequences.\n\nOver time, Gray Orc craftsmen established in comparison to other orc groups a reputation for their fine tools, unique techniques and experience. Over centuries, this led to the positions of smiths and craftsmen to become highly valued by Gray Orc society, which only accelerated the trend. Even as early as the Graytide, Gray Orc craftsmen could almost hold pace with Reachmen smiths for the production of war goods, despite still being vastly inferior in terms of quality.\n\nAs of the late 18th century, traditional orcish craftsmanship in Grombar still bore some resemblance to the primitive imitations of dwarven tools which the Grey Orcs produced at the time of their exile.
+10% Production Efficiency

Lessons of BorudanBorudan was the first settlement founded by Gray Orcs in the early 15th century, situated in the Northern Pass. According to shamanic records of that time, the settlement was hastily constructed in order to survive the harsh winter of the northern pass – something the Gray Orcs had never encountered before their exile to the surface. \n\nThe city was a shelter for Gray Orc tribes for a few years before being abandoned and forgotten during the Graytide. However, techniques developed during the foundation of Borudan were not lost, and were carried on to the new orcish cities in Giant’s Tears and Vrorenmarch. This quick construction of settlements led to the Gray Orcs managing to secure territory much more rapidly than the Reachmen expected, and orcish historians argue that this phenomenon had an important role in how the Graytide played out.
-10% Construction Cost

+2 Tolerance of the True Faith