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+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Gott "the Kind"My neighbors had pointed her to me...again. The knee-high goblin, bound in furs and ladened with foreign tools, insisted on speaking with the local troll “historian.” As I spoke and lamented my lost fishing time, she wrote upon her tiny yellow leaves.\n\n“Gott had two titles: ‘Skinwalker’, for the forests having gifted him magic over animal forms, and ‘Kind’, for his wisdom to use this power properly. He led our people away from the Gray Orcs, and dealt with the challenges that befell us after our exodus: war, famine, disunity.”\n\n“He understood his ignorance, traveling the land in his forms to learn. First, he spied on the invaders to learn of their conquests and turmoil. Then he swam across the great lake of Gerudia, marveling at the human's many songs and laws, before perching on the pines near Bayvic, which is your home, yes? Though Gott doesn't mention any goblins then.”\n\n“He witnessed many other peoples, seeing the great diversity of life, and using its wisdom to return home to guide us into a society that could thrive. And then, he disappeared back into the forests forevermore.”\n\n-Bagamdara’s Memories of Chronicler Ux’s Visit circa 1746
-10% Idea Cost

Our Frozen Home“Yes! How can you live so-...so-,"the goblin dug for her words. "Comfortably?"”\n\n"When Jormir awoke, we lived in frost. When Kranmas fell, we lived in frost. When Gott guided us-"\n\n"Yes, yes; you lived in frost." Ux tugged on her fur collar and rubbed her drippy, pointed nose.\n\nI pointed at a mammoth weed bush, the holly-colored leaves outlined in warding red, asking: "Do you know this herb?"\n\n"Oh!" Ux forgot her displeasure in the question’s challenge. "Hiller Grash; a nuisance for bare skin. Turns flesh red as blood for days, and the scratching is-..."\n\nShe knew enough, so I clumped the bush with my bare hand and brought it to my lips, the goblin raising a hand in alarm. Trolls find comfort in such savory bites, and our regeneration staves off all but searing flame. Relishing the refreshing sting, I continued.
-10% Development Cost

The Great River Lakdalr”Trolls survive in plenty of harsh terrain, but the land is not endless - It thrives and wilts like the sun." I caught my reflection amid the lazy current as flashes of pink scales shimmered just below the surface. "You’ve no doubt witnessed our people’s sigil..."\n\n"The salmon! Simple, distinguished, tasty too!"\n\n"Gott agreed. He guided our people as a bear, and by his nose they found the Lakdalr. When they arrived upon its foaming rapids, it was said fish swam so thickly that they dammed the Great Salmon River, causing stomachs to swell with sweet illness. As Gott gifted: ‘Better a stomach ache than a placid heart.’\n\n"But the revelry quieted as the fish departed. The river’s bounty united his kin, but famine threatened to divide them. In hungry despair, Gott experienced his first vision of the world beyond, and seeking relief for his people, he braved the Lakdalr for answers.\n\n"Assuming the salmon’s form, Gott began his journey upstream to find where the fish had gone. Upon glacial watersheds, he found their spawning pools blocked by nature’s whims.\n\n"With his magic, he righted the Lakdalr’s flow, surging home at the head of the great pink tide. All trolls feasted, thankful for Gott’s protection yet again. It was on the Lakdalr’s shores where kin became a tribe, became Ðigoveða.”
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Jormir’s Heart“Jormir...would that be Ice King Jormir the Idle, succeeded by Kranmas?\n\nIre dug into my gut like roots, and Ux sensed my displeasure at a glance.\n\n"Uhm, I mean to say, what I know of Jormir are from relics excavated along Bjarnrik’s frontiers. And they paint-"\n\n"If they are of our Fjord Troll cousins and their bloodthirsty monarch, I can anticipate their perspective. But I shall tell you true: Noble Jormir Once-Thawed, powdered in royal snow, awoke with his Ice Giant subjects into a world that had forgotten the giants’ majesty. From his kingly vantage, he observed the small races adrift on winds of war and change, and in his magnanimity, he pledged non-conflict for the good of all. To this end, Jormir kept his kingdom’s power tempered and reclusive, limited intervention in small folk affairs, and even sealed his kingdom’s terrible heirlooms like the Bow of Bålmir. His decisions maintained the kingdom, but it allowed Jormir’s enemies to strengthen.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Kranmas’s Might“But this was not Jormir’s only folly. To his family, he promised everything and expected nothing; Such kindness needs to be reciprocated, lest you give yourself away. Enter his treacherous brother Kranmas. As Gott gifted: ‘Love’s embrace marks the blade’s depth.’ Never chastened for his ambition, Kranmas murdered Jormir for his failure in preventing the small folk rebellions, earning his cowardice thrice in the act: once for shunning Zeinbrött to seize the throne, twice for slaying his sibling in seething weakness, and thrice for wielding the Blade of Ikki, a legendary dagger shaped from living rock that inflicts eternal death...and Jormir’s brotherly gift to Kranmas.\n\n“As Kranmas crowned himself, our ancestors stood divided. Those that followed the tyrant became the Fjord Trolls, and we who fled to the wilds became the Forest Trolls. Kranmas raised armies, silenced dissidents, then marched South to yoke Halann under giantkind, striking down any and all who resisted.\n\n“Kranmas rose by strength, and fell by it too. When his armies were routed, his subjects abandoned their oaths, and the human victors adorned him with chains. His last words were curses against the foes he made. Yet as maligned as he is, trolls must learn from him the wisdom to wield strength so fervently against all odds, even if you cannot regenerate from adversity’s scars.”
-25% Regiment Drill Loss
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

The Moon Circle of ÐigoveðaAfter catching my fifteenth fish for our mid-day feast, I sloughed the polar bear’s shape and plopped down on the shore.\n\n“When the other trolls said to speak with you, they didn’t mention you were a druid!”\n\n“Like father, like daughter.”\n\n“How did you learn your magic!? From where?! And who-”\n\n“Shhh,” I growled, a last hiccup of ursine impulse rolling from my lips. “Eat, and I will explain. As Gott gifted: ‘Trolls and beasts walk as one.’ Long before the Kind united the tribe of Ðigoveða, the Moon Circle howled. Bereft of guidance after abandoning Kranmas, my ancestors prayed for the strength to live on, and the land answered.\n\n“Like neophytes, we learned and listened: when rivers flowed high and low, which plants bloomed in frost or thaw, and how game migrated. For each benison, we reciprocated, familiarizing ourselves with the forest of Hyyrt. Then power arose among us: kindling sparks from our fingertips, hastened regeneration, invigorating entire acres in a breath, and, as you witnessed, joining the wild in various visages. By Gott’s time, peerless shamans and shapeshifters littered our history: Ocktrox the Archdruid, Arvonista the Render (who scratched our first symbols), Gallagolk the Unitary, and many, many more. Each generation of the Moon Circle followed nature’s teachings - You need only listen and brave its fury.”
+5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Shock Damage

Ìsleid“The Ìsleid means icy path; the road which connects Ðigoveða to the world beyond our forests. So when those from the outside world step into our graces, we accept them. We have little tolerance for trespassers, certainly, but for those who journey up and down our tracts, respect nature’s beauty, and pine for the warmth of community, we protect their passage and never turn them away. After all, I do not think we would have met if not for them. Though outsiders sometimes irk me, I appreciate your company.”\n\nWe conversed into the twilight. But as dark and chill came, we exchanged farewells before she continued on to the next step of her journey. That was the last I ever saw of the goblin from Bayvic.\n\nAs kindness begets kindness, a Grombari trader on the Ìsleid a few months ago sought out my river to deliver a novelty: a tome. I could not read its contents, but I understood the scrawlings: a familiar stream as beautiful as memory, a stunning and smiling troll wrapped in an elk cloak, and a tiny figure more fur coat than goblin. Each time I gaze upon the pictures, I think of the frustration and joy of that day, and my heart pains with longing. How wonderful a stranger’s meeting. As Ux gifted to me: “Goodbye Bagamdara; I’m glad I met you.”
+1 Merchants
+10% Trade Efficiency

+10% Goods Produced Modifier