Damescrown Ideas

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+10% Global Trade Power
+10% Trade Efficiency

City of Deals and ContractsDamescrown is the first among equals of the myriad city-states of the northern Dameshead, and its diplomats are as cunning as its merchants are shrewd. Traders and jurists alike delight in the reliability of a deal made in Damescrown... and woe be upon the poor souls who try to break one there.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomats

The Intertidal Banking ClanWhile not an official organization, the Intertidal Banking Clan is a conglomerate of the most powerful financiers in the Empire. Maintaining relations with them will help us maintain good access to capital, in exchange for a few favors...
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

Cannorian Trade PostsOur merchants have ventured farther than almost anyone else, and our trade outposts and merchant enclaves can be found as far afield as Escann or Lorent.
+10% Trade Power Abroad
+1 Merchants

The Barques of DamescrownOur shipwrights are renowned for crafting trade vessels as beautiful as they are functional, and ports across the known world clamor for the arrival of the famed Barques of Damescrown and the riches they inevitably bring.
+15% Ship Trade Power
-1% Prestige Decay

The Grand ExchangeThe Grand Exchange is the largest market forum in Anbennar, surpassing even those of Anbenncóst in selection and grandeur. Foremost of the traders here is the Calasanni Trade Company (CLSTC for short), the largest mercantile company in the world, headquartered right here in Damescrown.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Merchant TaxOur fair nation is the premier choice for any trader seeking to peddle their wares. To protect our local entrepreneurs, it is only fair that foreign traders share a bit of their newfound wealth...
+10% National Tax Modifier

The World Comes to DamescrownIf Anbenncóst is the heart of the Empire, Damescrown is its ravenous mouth, as it is said that every foreign good that enters Anbennar passes through at least three Damescrown merchants to get there.
+15% Trade Steering

-10% Development Cost