Cyranvari Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+20% Movement Speed

The Grand OpeningOur time in isolation has seen the world change drastically from when our ancestors first entered the shadowed boughs of the Deepwoods. Though we have managed to set aside our petty squabbles and unite, we find ourselves still under threat. We shall open the Deepwoods to the peoples of Cannor so that we might learn from their wisdom lest we stay stuck in our backwards ways and find ourselves threatened beyond our ability to defend.
+25% Institution Spread

The Green PalaceWe have always been a divided people, more prone to tribal or familial loyalties than to any sense of national identity. The invasion of the Deepwoods by the orcish brutes changed that. Our division allowed them to run rampant, ruining the equilibrium of our home and threatening our relationship with the Fey. Now that we have driven out these beasts, and the Verdant Pact has coalesced into a true union of the tribes, we must build a palace truly befitting the High King of the Deepwoods.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

One People, One CountryThe Greentide beset upon us with a ferocious savagery and those tribes who were too stubborn to join the Verdant Pact found themselves annihilated. Now that the wars have ceased and our homeland is no longer under threat, there are some who mutter about a desire to return to the old ways. However, most have come to see the value of solidarity and realize that the Deepwoods cannot insulate us from the world as it has done in the past. We must become as one people, all willing to sacrifice for our adopted home lest the tides of change sweep us away.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Between Branches and LeavesEven in times of peace our people inadvertently prepare for war, for use of the longbow is as much a matter of daily survival as it is for battle. Even the least skilled among us are capable to wielding our ancestral weapon to deadly effect. In times past we would answer the calls of the so often capricious fey and ride to war for some elusive ends. Many of the peoples who borders the Deepwoods still have folk stories warning children that if they misbehave then the fey-folk will steal them away in their sleep. Though it has been centuries, the Escanni saying that it is easier to shoot an arrow through branches and leaves than it is to please the Gods hearkens back to a time when such raids were common. The precision of our ancestors skill continues on to this day.
+15% Land Fire Damage

The Oak GiftAlthough the Deepwoods and the fey who inhabit them appear fickle by nature, our ancestors were able to see the pattern of balance underlying all things. From this came our role as stewards and servants of this misunderstood land. Though the woods are just as likely to be bereft of bounty we know that this simply hearkens to a time to come when such things will overflow. Our ability to identify this natural cycle ensures that we never want for goods that we need because we strive to never disrupt the equilibrium of the woods.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Eyes of the ForestThough many of our kind have left the safety and comfort of the Deepwoods since their opening hoping to find a better life across Cannor, many of them are actually Eyes of the Forest, sent forth by the High King at the bidding of the fey. They aim to understand the world around us and ensure that a threat like the Greentide is never able to catch our peoples unaware again. The fact that many peoples have an attitude of ingrained dismissiveness towards our kind only makes this task easier; no suspects that beneath the downtrodden visage of a sapling lies the hardened mind of an Eye.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection
+20% Spy Network Construction

A Bow in every HomeDuring the orcish onslaught, our people quickly learned that just as the darkened woodscape veiled us from the world, so too for the greenskins as well. Battles were often swift and brutal and those found unprepared were slaughtered by the invaders. This lesson taught that laxity rests as the worst of sins, for only through preparedness were we able to throw back the orcish tide and save our precious homeland. Should any other threat arise either within or beyond our borders they will find that the once disparate people of Deepwoods are prepared to sacrifice their lives to defend their homeland.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

+20% Domestic Trade Power