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Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
+10% Shock Damage

Sword Heroes of the GreentideWhen the Lilac Wars ended the Orda Aldresia (alongside the Magisterium) enacted a position of neutrality in regards to the orcish threat of the Greentide. This led to many members of both organizations to abandon their posts and head out themselves to fight orcs.\n\nThis story of valour and personal sacrifice was not uncommon, but was heavily romanticized by various authors equating it to a 'Second Age of Chivalry'.
-1% Prestige Decay

Aldresian ConnectionsDespite a large amount of Aldresian knights going east to Escann, many remained in Cannor in service of the Empire. With Covenblad as a growing state founded by such individuals, we can maintain these connections and stay on top of any developments in our ancestral homeland.
-20% Institution Embracement Cost

Sword Covenant OfficersCovenbladic armies were renowned for the Sword Covenant officers, knights fully-clad in armour and ceremonial garb, leading scores of infantry men, instead using their blade-magics to enchant and enhance their soldiers rather than affecting the foe.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Diranbe CeremoniesDiranbe was the ancient Halessi Art of Bladedancing, which the Orda Aldresia and the elves turned into the Aldresian-style we see today. In a world increasingly focused on the state, such displays of martial magic are still valuable, and can impress even the most astute foreign diplomat.
+20% Improve Relations

City of CovenbladCovenblad was one of the major 'marcher cities' that were built on top of the ruins of Escann. Known for its slate-black roofs, twisting and winding alleyways, and tall spires, it was the epitome of a 'gothic' city.
-5% Construction Cost
-15% Construction Time

Aldresian KingsAs the inheritors of Aldresia's legacy, the Kings of Covenblad carry a grave duty to ensure good triumphs over evil - no matter the cost.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+0.5 Yearly Absolutism

Shieldcloak InfantryIt is said that the two weapons of an Aldresian knight are their sword and their cloak. By using specialized abjuration and transmutation magics, an Aldresian knight could turn their cloak into a shield-like material at a second.\n\nThe Shieldcloak Infantry was a continuation of such practice, and eventually the elite regiments of Covenblad all wore magical cloaks that could protect the wearer for gunfire.
-10% Fire Damage Received

+2 Land Leader Shock


