Coldmarket Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Adders HeadColdmarket was a deciding factor in the Blue Reachman Wars of Independence that ended in 1024. After many years of skirmishing and yet no decisive results, King Rylen Adshaw grew impatient, and Coldmarket saw opportunity. Conspiring with Celmaldor we presented an opportunity too good for the Rylen Adshaw to resist - word reached him of a meeting of the rebel leaders in Coldmarket - and prepared Coldmarket's surroundings. The Adshawman army was defeated and King Rylen was slain, marking the end of the Kingdom of Adshaw and their dominance in the Alenic Reach.\n\nTo this day Coldmarket stands ready to oppose any would be kings of the Reach, and remind them of the fate that befell Adshaw.
+10% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Stone Cold NegotiatorsUnlike the eccentric magnates of Bayvic, or the silver tongued traders of Celmaldor who will haggle for hours over a few crowns (which they jest is because they have time... being elves and all), we in Coldmarket trade quickly and efficiently. Altought this has given our traders a reputation as stubborn it has increased their profits significantly.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Finest of FursWhile their majesty doesn't compare to the exquisite garbs created by Celmaldorian elves, the furs of Coldmarket are widely regarded as the finest in all of the Reach, while also being far more practical than traditional elven clothing due to the region's cold climate. With the depletion of the Cannorian Beaver driving up the price of furs, they became a steady source of income for Coldmarket.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Galleys of the Giants GraveReachman galleys are second to none on the treacherous Giant's Grave.
+10% Galley Combat Ability

ThednkerkjaColdmarket boasts the largest Skaldhyrric population of all the cities of the Reach. In 1512 the then Mayor of Coldmarket, an Ulric Chapman, approved the expansion of the Thednkerkja, the Melt Church, which had originally been built in 502 upon what was said to built on the first lands to thaw after Elkaesal fell aslumber. The expanded temple itself was not finished until 1522 and it stood as the tallest Skaldhyrric temple south of the Giants Grave Sea since.
+5% National Tax Modifier
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Fishy DietMuch of the Reach is windswept and stormy leading to a poor growing climate, to remedy this we take to the seas and return with well earned bounties.
+15% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+10% Sailor Recovery Speed

Against Greater OddsWe are a people hardened by our surroundings and will never let man nor nature get the better of us, whatever the cost may be.
+10% Morale of Armies

+1 Land Leader Fire