Citrine Ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Merchants

Leaders of the SegbandalThe Segbandal, or "Southern Alliance", was a grand alliance of the holds of the Middle Dwarovar. Records of the name are found thousands upon thousands of years ago, but all records of this first Segbandal were lost to time. In 5848 BA, the holds of the Middle Dwarovar reforged the fabled alliance in response to the fall of Amldihr to the orcs and the proclamation of the Jade Empire by Grônstunad. The holds were equal partners, expected to aid each other against the attacks of orcs in the west and the imperialistic Jade Empire along with goblin raids to the east.\n\nAs this second Segbandal consolidated its power and defeated countless threats to its survival, it grew in wealth and power, reaching a golden age in the midst of the West's fall. Of the five holds of the Middle Dwarovar, it was Seghdihr that slowly consolidated political legitimacy and came to be the de facto leader of the Segbandal, first among equals, protector of Dwarven Civilization, patrons of Bulwar and masters of the mountains.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Origin of the Seg BandOne of the most notorious and ruthless mercenary bands in Halann, the Seg-Gnelh-Vekerbandal Or "Southern Gnoll Hunter's Alliance", commonly known as the Seg band, first found fame in 803 BA by offering protection to Bulwari realms that found themselves under threat of gnollish raids. Its recruits mostly consisted of dwarven exiles from the Segbandal or Ovdal Tûngr, but sometimes included human warriors liberated from slavery.\n\nTheir efforts greatly reduced Gnollish influence in Bulwar, but the Seg Band found itself overmatched during the invasion of the Great Xhaz. Seeking allies, the Seg Band sent emissaries to Castanor and there offered their services to Castan II "Beastbane". Fighting alongside Beastbane, the Seg Band were instrumental to the Castanorian Second Great Cleansing, and earned their reputation as fervent and ruthless monster killers.
+5% Discipline

Bulwari-Dwarf Treaty of CooperationWhen the city-states of Old Bulwar were but young polities, the dwarves of Seghdihr helped to improve their crafts and technology, and helped uplift much of the Bulwari humans, even forming the foundations of Azka-Sur. This mutual cooperation culminated in a treaty of friendship between the two peoples in 2672 BA, when the God-King of the Surani city state that would one day become Eduz-Vacyn contacted the Segbandal for help against an orcish warhost that had emerged from Hul-Jorkad. The Dwarves came to the human's aid 16,000 strong, 3,000 from each hold and 1,000 of the Dauvek Veker of Gor Vazumbrog, led by Krummul Orcslayer himself.\n\nOn the field before Eduz-Vacyn he delivered a famous vow to them, promising to slay every orc in their lands and to teach them the superior dwarven craft of both stone and metal and to foster good relations among each other. Their promise was true, and when the orcish warhost was destroyed three months later the dwarves taught many things to the Surani, catapulting the technological progress of the Bulwari forward by centuries.
+20% Improve Relations

Surani AuxiliariesDwarven trade barges were a common sight along the Suran River with Logrod Tûngr, "River Harbour" near its source. Many native Surani peoples found employment guarding and guiding these barges, while also trading with the Segbandal and exchanging culture and crafts. In time the Surani peoples found more and more opportunities under dwarven employ, even as irregular troops in the Citrine army.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Treachery of the Burned EmpressFor much of history Seghdihr was a mighty hold that held the respect of its dwarven peers and its human neighbours. \n\nHowever, when Jexis came in 1139, the glory of Seghdihr was cut short by treacherous elven steel and flame. With the hired Seg Band and her Sun Elf Legions occupying the hold, the Segbandal collapsed into infighting, and Seghdihr itself became a shared hold between the dwarves and the Sun-Elven empire.\n\nAfter Jexis' death in 1162, the Seg Band relinquished their hold on Seghdihr in return for amnesty. Although granted, such humiliation can never be forgotten, and dwarves carry long grudges.
-10% Fire Damage Received

The Citrine CodeThe warriors of the clans of Seghdihr were reputed to be the most honourable out of any holds, settling disputes against dwarves with single combat and not resorting to tricks or treachery. In the codex of the Citrine military, they recorded many rules for the troops to follow, otherwise, they would have been dishonourably discharged. They would rather see the lives of dwarves spared to prevent devastating war instead of brutal sieges and guerilla warfare. During the War of the Bloody Gem, King Magûn VI az-Segh offered to duel the King of Verkal Kozenad, Khadan Forktongue, to end the catastrophic war between dwarfkin.\n\nKhadan accepted, but also planned to dishonourably kill his foe. Before the duel began, he ordered a mage to create light which would temporarily blind the good king Magûn. As the spell was cast, Khadan rushed to pierce Magûn with his sword not realising that Magûn's helmet was forged with anti-magical runes from Gor Vazumbrog. Khadan's blow was easily parried by Magûn, who then swiftly beheaded the dishonourable Opal. As the Opal Dwarves saw their king slain, they surrendered to King Magûn, believing it to be part of the Grand Scheme, while the Citrine Dwarves saw it as preventing unnecessary bloodshed against their own kin.
+1 Yearly Devotion
-1 National Unrest
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Citrine Gem of the DwarovkronSeghdihr is one of the noble holds of Aul-Dwarov, and the namesake of their people, the citrine gem, is shown on the Dwarovkron that rules all dwarves. The citrine gem represents the dwarven people's mercantile gifts, to the point that many dwarven merchants keep the gem in their pocket for good luck.
+15% Trade Efficiency

+10% Global Trade Power