Chaqanel Ideas

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+50% Looting Speed
+10% Siege Ability

Wary of WarachíqChaqanel life exists on a razor’s edge; the chaotic weather brought on with winds of the visage Warachíq can disastrously upset our existence, especially if his brother Phúyulay turns his already dangerous storms ruinous. As we roam the vast open land of Amadia, we keep ahead of the violent storms or crippling heat waves that might disrupt our migration and hunting. One adaptation made to facilitate this is a system of runners, who scout ahead and behind by keeping watch at staged distances from our main encampment. If one runner notices potential bad weather, they run back to the next closest scout, who continues on in the chain until delivering the news to the tribe.
+10% Movement Speed

ChaqwatecaFrom the moment of their birth, every Chaqanel knows the comfort of the chaqwateca, or voyage-house. This portable dwelling is made of a wooden frame covered by stitched furs and felts, most commonly hunted from deer and the large ground sloths which inhabit Amadia. The simple, ingenious construction of the chaqwateca, with parts able to collapse together through clever joinery, facilitates rapid movement between hunting grounds in times of drought or storms.
-5% Construction Cost
-10% Construction Time

NefuenmollunThe Chaqanel have had to fight to survive since Ñawsayachaer's fragmentation. We never benefited from the same blessings as our Faalte cousins along their fertile river. Instead, we learned to move with the wind at our back, ever evading any storms. With our attentive knowledge of oncoming weather, we conduct rapid raids on Faalte settlements just before a storm rolls in, taking them unawares and using the cover of the storm to make good our escape. We call these raids nefuenmollun, or wind-attacks, but the settled Faalte imagine that we conjure the following storms ourselves. Such raids allow us to augment our supplies, bolstering the meager existence we eke out on the plains.
+10% Shock Damage

The Tent QuiltThe average Chaqanel chaqwateca is a fairly spartan, unadorned dwelling, save for one key item: the quilt. Every family maintains an intricate quilt of stitched furs, using complex colored and geometric patterns of bone or horn beads which denote the family’s lineage; new patterns are woven into the old to account for the joining of families through marriage. Each new generation extends their pattern forward, making the length and intricacy of the quilt a symbol of a family’s size and social significance. When a child reaches adulthood, they are gifted a large bead by their family, which they will hold onto until marriage, where the ceremony will be held to add them to the quilt. Additionally, the information encoded through these quilts is often used to settle practical disputes over matters such as hunting rights or water access between families.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

The QuiltlessWith quilts playing such an important role in how Chaqanel view their social organization, those who lack a quilt on which they can find their ancestors essentially exist outside society. Quiltless individuals are varied; they may be captives taken during the Nefuenmollun, or victims of misfortune, estranged or orphaned from their kinship group by some mundane or magical means. Regardless, because of their status they are viewed as fair game for enslavement and trafficking. Within Chaqanel society, quiltless are used as a floating source of labor for a whole kinship group to draw from, but they are primarily kept for their mercantile value, since most Chaqanel don’t produce enough surplus for regular trade. Quiltless have traditionally been traded to whoever was willing to do business with a group as feared as the Chaqanel, but the arrival of the Cannorians opened a whole new market, spurring Chaqanel raids to focus more and more on the capture and enslavement of individuals.
+10% Trade Efficiency

“The winds will rise and one must still walk…”This forms half of an oft-repeated Chaqanel proverb. It reflects upon their harsh mode of life, and the great misfortune that can be wrought at a moment’s notice by the violent or magical weather of Amadia. Outwardly, the Chaqanel display a sort of passive acceptance of their condition, and are troubled little by hardship. This fact was noted in the travel journal of one Olorio the Intrepid, who recorded that a Chaqanel slave he purchased discussed their sudden loss of family to a wild magic storm, and subsequent enslavement, in much the same way that one would remark it had rained the day before.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

“...but one never walks alone.”These words are the second half of the aforementioned proverb, displaying the central aspect of Chaqanel existence: cooperation. Such a rough life can only be maintained through mutual aid, which the Chaqanel practice extensively. For example, meat gained from kills is distributed fairly throughout a tribe, regardless of if a family unit participated in the hunt. Individuals contribute their labor to building a new family’s chaqwateca, and tools and other supplies are loaned to families in need. This sort of systematized social safety net ensures Chaqanel society can stay afloat during periods of great duress.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

+15% Cavalry Combat Ability