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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

The FederationIn the olden days, the survivors of Ñawsayachaer’s fragmentation heeded the words of great powerful mages. These mages, five of them in total, collectively lead a small group of survivors to what remained of the old city of Cara Lafquen. Left in ruins, the mages would begin to reconstruct what had previously been, and forge a home for their followers. In time, the five mages, their names lost to time, had their followers encompass the entirety of Lake Chakantu. Thus, the Onisqado Confederation was born, and the many survivors of the disaster became the brothers of the lake, the many Quchamár. \n\nDespite its own separation at the hands of civil war and tremendous storms, the legacy of the Onisqado Confederation lives on in the many who inherited its lands.
+10% Production Efficiency

We, the ChamwertuyThe waters of our beautiful lake are fresh and clear and cool, brimming with all manner of fish and mollusks - from the smallest of darting minnows to the glorious titanic clams that feed our people.\n\nBut this was not always so. Many years ago, the wild magics of warfare decimated the clam-beds and our desperate search for food in those troubled times nearly destroyed them entirely. We tended patiently to the lake and brought the titanic clams back from the brink. We must be careful stewards to keep this from happening again. All Quchamár rely on this life-giving lake; we are its most devoted clam-gardeners, the Chamwertuy
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

Legendary MixmastersIt is said that every single Chapárun has their own signature cocktail. While this might be an exaggeration, we are certainly known for our drinks. A good mixmaster knows by heart how to make everyone’s favorites, but a legendary mixmaster knows how to create a new favorite for every mood and for every occasion. After all, there is no better way to end a long day on the lake than with a perfect mixed drink. Non-alcoholic drinks available upon request.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Iridescent FashionOur manner of dress stands out amongst the Quchamár, for we shine like the lake’s ripples during summer. That’s not to say we are particularly ostentatious - no! - we merely have great fashion and even greater fashion sense. Everyday wear is usually dyed some shade of purple, accented by effervescent nacre hairpieces, rings, or bangles. This nacre can even be tinted to match the color palette of our skin patterns. If we wish to impress, we have jewelry made from pearls of all sizes, set into silver from our own mountain mines. Some of our expert craftsmen have been known to reverse this, carving a fist-sized pearl into a bracelet and inlaying intricate patterned silver into its surface. These stunning pieces certainly command attention.\n\nOur propensity for purple hues, polished silver, and iridescent pearls have our officials and diplomats instantly recognizable (and recognizably fashionable!) at home and abroad.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Soup for the FamilyA family is a collection of people bound by birth or blood or oath to become one unit, to take care of each other. Much like a soup, the distinct and disparate members of a family come together to create a new whole that is more than the sum of its parts. Thus belies one of our most sacred rituals.\n\nOn special occasions that mark important events for a family, be it a birth or a death, a departure or a return, a family gathered together stews a soup together. Each member of the family is required to bring something for the soup, and assist in its preparation and cooking. Once the soup is complete, and all have been served, each member of the family takes a sip simultaneously. With this sharing ritual, the family is reminded of what each member brings and of the reasons each member remains with the family.\n\nWhile it might sound like a solemn occasion, this family soup is most often the prelude to a lively party. The ritual first sip of soup prevents some of the more festive family members from becoming instantly inebriated. Having a pot of simmering soup available the next morning, all full of herbs and spices and hearty chunks of clam meat, also helps ease the inevitable hangovers.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Give them ShellWe do not waste a single piece of the titanic clams that we nurture and protect. In fact, we can even use the shells to protect ourselves! Broken pieces of the shells can of course be polished and filed down into sharp spearpoints and arrowheads. Even more useful, though, is the whole shell. If handled by an expert, the meat and pearls can be extracted from within the clam without compromising its shell. The full, intact shell can be treated and preserved to make a remarkable shield. Not only do the shell’s natural ridges and valleys in the pattern catch blades and spears, these shell-shields offer a level of rudimentary magic resistance to their bearers. Spells directed toward the shield have a tendency to slide off, like water redirecting around a river-rock. With this in mind, a squad of our soldiers can lock their shields together like the scales of a fish and become impervious to the sort of low-level spells common to warriors of other tribes. These clams have survived much with our help; with their help, our soldiers will survive even more!
-10% Shock Damage Received

ClamweaversTheir meat sustains us, their pearls decorate us, and their shells protect us, but our titanic clams yield one final treasure: juch'usa. The clams produce tufts of fine hair that tether them to the lakebed. If harvested carefully and prepared correctly, these hairs can be spun into a fiber of peerless softness and strength unparalleled. Cloth items woven from juch'usa are traditionally given as gifts. At age 8, children can expect to receive a small scarf or hood at the very least. If the family is particularly influential, a cape or whole shirt from a member of the extended family is not out of the question.\n\nThese gifts, whether heirloom or newly-made, are a badge of community identity and are always worn on special occasions. That this practice ensures our leaders inevitably flaunt their exquisite clothing to foreign dignitaries (thus driving up demand and price) is purely a coincidence.
+5% Global Trade Power
-15% Reduce Inflation Cost

+15% Fort Defence


