Chajin Ideas

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+10% Domestic Trade Power
+10% Shock Damage

Heart of DarknessThe original purpose of the settlement that would become Chajin was to be a sacrificial temple, was to be a sacrificial temple, built by the kingdom of Luzhongguok to provide plenty of chi to their masters. The wards and traps of the temple are still active, and while we've learned quickly how to bypass them, the same cannot be said for those foolish enough to lay siege to our city.
+15% Fort Defence

The Upper CrossingOur city is built upon one of the most important crossings of the upper Yanhe, constructed between the major cities of Bianfang and Jincheng. Plenty of trade comes and goes through our roads and bridges.
+15% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Corruptive AuraNobody that enters our city leaves as the same they were upon entering; some sort of force always reaches into their very being, tainting their souls. When the Jiangszun charged into the temple with the harimari behind them, they planned to burn it to ash, yet the corruptive influences of the structure ultimately turned them to the Lefthand Path. By finding out how to harness this energy for our priests, we should have a far easier time bringing others over to our ways.
+2% Missionary Strength

YinjinshiThe reclusive and secretive merchant houses that run the city from behind the scenes, nobody is sure where they came from, nor have many laid their eyes upon them. What we do know is that they have a vested interest in ensuring the coffers of Chajin, and by extension their own pockets, are rich in coin and jewels.
+1 Merchants

Personal SpiritsThe soldiers of our realm have a strange knack for avoiding all but the most dire of wounds. A fireball will fizzle before reaching them, a horse will trip and stumble before they can reach our lines, and an arrow will veer off course just seconds before striking a killing blow.\n\nSome theorize that they are protected by forces from beyond, a spiritual entity that guards them from harm for reasons unknown. Luck or divine intervention, the results are more than welcomed by us.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Hollow EyesYet another urban legend of Chajin, the Hollow Eyes are a group of individuals that stalk the shadows, confronting troublemakers in dark alleyways where they are taken away, never to be heard from again.\n\nThe few that claim to have witnessed them and survived say that they have soulless black pits in place of eyes, with flesh rotting as they walk and clothing filthy and torn. These individuals are, likewise, rarely seen again.
-1 National Unrest
-10% Harsh Treatment Cost

The Shadows SpeakThere are no secrets within our walls - all is known by the Yinjinshi and our more public officials. Whether yelled out loud in the streets or whispered in raucous taverns, we have ways of knowing when plots are brewing or who we should contact to start one ourselves.\n\nAs for how we obtain this knowledge, there are some that believe that we control the very shadows of those that step foot in the city, using them to peer into their lives at all times. Is that theory valid? Some questions are better left unanswered.
+25% Foreign Spy Detection
+25% Spy Network Construction

+2 Tolerance of the True Faith