Cestirmarker Ideas

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-10% Idea Cost
+10% Production Efficiency

Frame of Government of 1521The balance between ducal power and the assembly in Dameria was only based on tradition and tacit agreement. After the Lilac Wars, the dukes of Cestirande often disregarded those, and we will not stand for this.\n\nOur founder, Varil sína Cymainé, drafted the first Cestirmark Frame of Government in 1506 to formalize those traditions, greatly expand the traditional Damerian rights and limit his own power.\n\nThe Frame went through multiple drafts as it was renegotiated many times and Varil had to make many compromises, but the final version adopted in 1521 still included rights such as fair trials and free elections.\n\nIt is considered by some historians, mainly Aelantiri ones, to be the first constitution in the world.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

City and Land, Hand in HandAelantir is pristine and beautiful, entrancing even. Let us avoid recreating the narrow streets of our homeland full of poverty, disease and hidden cultists by incorporating our settlements in the landscape with large, open avenues flanked by colorful Aelantiri trees. This design helps with both the long-term expansion of our cities and improving the mood of the population.\n\nIn fact, people like it so much that hardly anyone wants to leave!
-10% Construction Cost
-1 National Unrest

Fair Land AcquisitionUnlike some who would sell their own parents for more land, we shall make sure every dispute over a strip of territory is settled through diplomacy. It is in accordance with this ideal that we offered our deformed elven neighbours in 1574 to settle our conflicting claim to "all lands west of Lancewood" in a race.\n\nSer Andrel, our chief diplomat and a fine horseman, insisted to represent our interests himself and was greatly surprised when he was introduced to the ruinborn's "best runner". While we can't figure his reasons for not bringing a mount of his own, the Tehanek tried to call us cheaters and renegotiate the deal with Andrel who agreed with their reasoning. It was to no avail as they were provided a perfectly fair deal and Andrel, clearly brainwashed by the dark magic of the evil Tehanek, was fired.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Trollsbay Concord"The Trollsbay Concord, a confederation of the various nations around the bay founded in the late 16th century, was the first step towards the unification of the region into its modern form. The first mention of some sort of Trollsbay union comes from Varil sína Cymainé, an early proponent of unification whose writings at the time were widely ridiculed.\n\nThe idea would not be taken seriously until the following century, when Cestirmarker intellectuals would revive the idea of Trollsbay collaboration against outside threats, which soon would be put to test as the War of the Coalition (…)"
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Cestirmark Diplomatic ReadinessSome might say our hopes of reaching an agreement with our neighbours when so much sets us apart are just wild dreams. The trick to convince them is simply to already know what they will ask of us before they do. Some may call the means we use to do so unsavory, but they are necessary to achieve Anbennar, unity.\n\nAnd it is now that we need unity, for we have heard the tales of the Sornicandi refugees, the cries for help of our Yanek allies and the reports of our first skirmishes with the reclaimer elves...
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects
+10% Spy Network Construction

Noruinic Forest HorseWe brought with us the first horses in the region but our new, heavily forested homeland is unfortunately not exactly suitable for cavalry warfare. Horse breeders have recently adapted the Cestirander Universal Horse to make it more resilient to the natural hazards of Aelantir, creating the Noruinic Forest Horse. This new breed has proven extremely useful in our supply trains for their ability to easily navigate through the magically corrupted terrain, helping us face the deadliest foe of the continent: Aelantir itself.
-10% Land Attrition
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

A Step on the Path of Truth"After years of trudging around Noruin, I didn't know what I expected to find anymore. When that damn crystal's light was shining in the crypt and the elven lady said we found God itself... We all felt it was the truth, but we didn't know what to think. My men and I are simple men: when we need money, we pray to Ara, when we're sick, to Nerat, or to Corin if we need to fight; but that... fragment of God, it was there!\n\nWhat we did know is that we were out of basically everything and further than the back of beyond, so we went to the nearest -relatively speaking- civilized settlement for supplies, a small wooden town named Cestirmark. The lady mentioned the significance of our operation to some official there. Now, I don't know exactly what Torrieth told him about our discovery.\n\nBut when they came back, he was rambling about some bright future. Gave her everything she asked for and more, even allowed us to set up a base on the coast a bit to the west of here. The place's bustling with adventurers and scholars who want to go inland walk the path of truth, to see the God Fragment, nowdays. Maybe that's why I decided to retire there. The air's nice, makes you don't want to ever leave."\n\n-Captain Vincen's diary, High Rectorate archives
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+1 Yearly Rectorate Influence

-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost