Cedevik Ideas

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-10% Fort Maintenance
-10% Light Ship Cost

White Walls Of CedevikBack in the times of the Castanorian Empire, the lands of what is now Cedevik were governed by the Vrorenmarch Dominion. These lands were almost free of any settlements, as they were as cold as inhospitable. Later, on the brink of the so-called Era of Black Ice, many Gerudian tribes started to settle in the White Reach, where they founded a village named Cedevik. With time, Cedevik grew. In fact, it grew so much that when Castan Ebonfrost became the ruler of Vrorenmarch, Cedevik already was the largest settlement in the whole White Reach.\nThe Castanorian Empire was well known for projects never before seen by a human eye, called Balgar’s Wonders, the nearest example being the citadel Bal Vroren. While maybe it was not Balgar who built our White Walls, it was the masons who were inspired by his works, learning from his blueprints and scriptures of the nearby citadel, who built our haven behind the walls, and as such Cedevik became a little wonder too.
+10% Fort Defence

The Voyages At DawnAs fortified as Cedevik may be, it has one weakness: there are no fields for crops to grow, and there is no space for pastures. If the city is cut off from both land and sea, it is completely reliant on what supplies it has inside its walls.\nWell, almost completely reliant. When the first gray orcs laid siege to the city, an observation was made. While orcs are native to the darkness - they emerged from it, after all - their eyes need a little time every day to get accustomed to the sunlight. When the first rays of morning light hit the sea, the sailors knew they had a short span of time to get past the orcs undetected. These smugglers managed to keep the city’s sparse supplies lasting for far longer than anyone expected.\nStill, the situation became less and less sustainable as it became clear that no one else would break the siege. Cedevik was on its own. It may have been able to survive for ages, but how can you be truly alive when you're confined within a fortress until the end of times, living like an animal in a cage? The truth is that you can't, and no smuggler can replace that.\nBut they can replace many other things. It was the smugglers who supplied the realm with exotic wares under the orcish rule when many goods were otherwise unobtainable.
+10% Ship Disengagement Chance
+10% Ship Trade Power

City Of SurvivorsEven behind its walls Cedevik wasn't safe from the Graytide, the disaster that met us in the year 1420. With the menace of the orcish invaders at the door, the people of Cedevik knew what had to be done to stay alive, even if it meant disobedience against their lord, even if it meant abandoning the last bits of Vrorenmarcher heritage, betraying their ambitions and morals and succumbing to the orcs.\nThe other lords of Vrorenmarch, who stood against the orcs, would call the Cedeviki cowards and traitors - had they not died where they stood.\nIn time, the mindset of survival under gray orc rule would become rooted deeply in each of Cedevik’s citizens, and even soldiers try to not simply fulfill orders, or prioritize individual survival, but to survive as one unit, one army, one city.
-1 National Unrest
-10% Land Attrition

The Grey WatchIn 1421, when Brasur learned that the gates of Cedevik were open, he was relieved. But he knew that he had not won yet. He knew that many of those who surrendered to him still fiercely opposed him, that he was still a foreigner in their great city. More so, an unwanted one.\nTo deal with this, he founded the infamous Gray Watch: an orcish militia ready to extinguish any possible uprising long before the first spark even appeared. And if it did, they would leave nothing but ash behind them.
-10% Harsh Treatment Cost
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Exchequer ChamberThe elected mayor of Cedevik is advised by the institution called The Exchequer Council. While the members of this institution are paid only a single silver coin for their term in office, the most successful merchants in the country put a lot of effort into becoming members of it, due to the fact that members of the chamber have the right to veto laws that would hurt their businesses and have the power to propose new laws themselves.\nThis arrangement means that they have to cooperate if they seek to pass a law in their favor, and therefore every such law is ultimately beneficial for Cedevik.
-10% Advisor Cost

The Bulwark Of HumanityOver time, orcs replaced the humans across the lands of the White Reachmen or bred with them, resulting in an ever-growing half-orc population. As humans became more and more sparse in the area, they all started to gather in one place where humans remained in the majority, Cedevik, which was able to maintain its human majority thanks to the autonomy it was allowed to retain as a reward for its surrender in 1421. \nAs the last bulwark of White Reachmen in their old homeland, the fortress became the landing place of the first Corinite missionaries, who were cautious about the gray orcs, as they never diverted from their original beliefs, unlike the green orcs which followed Korgus and were eager to accept Corin when she slew him at the battle of Castonath.
+10% Institution Spread
-10% Idea Cost

A Drop of Tar In The SeaCedevik is located strategically on the borders of the Alenic Reach and Gerudia. Because of its vast trading possibilities, the need for ships is great, and in this cold and unforgiving climate, the market is never truly saturated, with demand spiking after every storm.\nAs Cedevik is but a single city, with vast conifer forests nearby, the production of tar far exceeds local demand. But then again, a sea this harsh is always dangerous for ships, and if one needs to waterproof the wood or sails, they know where to go for their tar.
+10% Production Efficiency

+10% Trade Efficiency