Burning Spear Ideas

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-1 National Unrest
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Caravan HighwaySituated between the wealthy and prosperous lands to the east and west, countless caravans pass through our lands every day, traveling along the great highways that sprawl across the realm.
+20% Caravan Power

Sun CaehnWe are the undisputed masters of this ancient land of the Sun and Phoenix, and the name of our glorious Caehn shall strike fear and awe in all that hear it.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Rise of an EmpireWhen our forefathers conquered these lands they cared not for the beautiful architecture, nor the great infrastructure present here, instead they destroyed everything in a barbaric frenzy. We now must build our empire from the ashes wrought by them.
-10% Development Cost

A Centaur LegionFor eons the standard form of a Centaur army has been a violent and undisciplined horde, only being held together by each warrior's thirst for blood and glory. Using the methods of the Sun Elves that ruled before us, we shall evolve our warriors into soldiers, and our hordes into proper legions, worthy of serving our empire.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
+3% Discipline

Reign of a Thousand YearsThese lands have long been disunited and unstable, and have seen the fall of many great empires in the past. No more, however, shall Bulwar be reigned by a succession of petty lords and spineless mayors, for so long as the sun shines above, our empire shall reign the lands that bask in its warmth.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Open CabinetWithin our Empire are a variety of exceptional individuals from a multitude of races, eager to serve our glorious Caehn. By opening access to government positions to them, we can ensure that we always have a ready supply of officials to help administer the realm.
-10% Advisor Cost

Reforms of Urltor GoldenmaneA renowned treasurer, Urltor Goldenmane has introduced a series of sweeping reforms to our imperial economy, greatly increasing the efficiency of our banks.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
-1 Interest Per Annum

+5% Administrative Efficiency