Bukit Bantay

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Bukit Bantay

Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Hill of the Guardians"In ages past, when our people were but a village on a hill, a greedy Padhahkan saw the blessed lands that our ancestors kept and went mad with jealousy. He gathered an army of wretched men and hungry demons, and threw them at our gates. But 100 warriors, men and women stout of heart, met the enemy’s blades and claws with their shields and stood fast at the village walls. They slew a thousand, then two thousand, then ten thousand…"\n\n- Excerpt from a wayang kulit performance by a dalang in Bukit Bantay, 1527
+15% Fort Defence

Legacy of Bawa IliThe Paduka of Bukit Bantay, General of the Royal Army, Destroyer of Evil, Warden of Good Men, Reformer of Justice, Protector of the Realm, Ruler by Authority of the Great Spirit Lupulan, His Royal Majesty Bawa Ili, Who is but Dust to the Great Spirits’ Power, Royal Scholar, Heir of the Glorious Hundred, Keeper of the Tome of Heroes, Lord of the Hill, Master of the Roads, Shield of the Tombs of the Bold, Future Padhahkan, Defender of the Temples and Patron of the Greatest Dalangs, was born Bawa, a prince of no particular intellect who delighted in playing around the sacred pools near the royal palace and ignoring his tutors, to the consternation of his nursemaid. One day, he slipped and fell into one such pool while noone was watching, and emerged sputtering and flailing to shore with a spirit lodged in his mind. Luckily for Bawa, this spirit turned out to be a benevolent one, and with its advice, Bawa was able to reform both the civil service and the army while navigating the treacherous waters of diplomacy both with spirits and men, bringing the kingdom into a new age.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+1 Yearly Prestige
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

A Shadow of a TaleWayang kulit is the Yanglam term for a form of puppetry local to Bukit Bantay. Rather than the lifelike puppetry of Jaya Raya, wayang kulit uses candlelight to project shadows of flat puppets onto a cloth screen. The dalang, or puppetmaster, acts out ancient tales of heroes and their exploits, religious stories about the relationship between spirits and man, and historical records of past kings, to the delight of all watching. While the overall structure of the tales have stayed the same for decades, even centuries, dalangs like to change names and locations to fit the current political climate of the Lupulan and beyond, essentially filling the role of town crier behind a curtain of allegory. Less scrupulous dalang will happily accept a royal commission to tailor their tales to cast the royal family and their deeds in a better light to calm the populace.
-1 National Unrest

Hearts of IronSince the establishment of Arawkelin next to the Lupulan, the Kelino people have tried to expand into the rainforest for its resources, with their armies making multiple excursions in over the years. The Bantayans found themselves recreating the legendary exploits of their ancestors, repelling Kelino invasions on the hills of the Lupulan. Both soldiers and civilians showed great bravery and courage in protecting the jungle from the armies of the interlopers in such times of hardship, as the spirits of the rainforest gave them their blessings to soothe their minds and harden their hearts.
+5% Morale of Armies
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Remembering the WiroBantayan fighters and martial artists all dream of being included in the annals of the Wiro, Bukit Bantay's greatest heroes. From Mawir Intun, the warrior woman who defended her village against a thousand Kelino with only a humble machete, to Hijo Kijul, who had shot Harimar's right-paw tiger in the eye from ten thousand paces with an arrow, and to the undefeatable duelist Heng Huat, whose kris Bunnang Mahar gave him unending stamina, and who is said to still be locked in a duel to the death with a malevolent spirit to this very day. The legend of a Wiro grows far beyond the truth, and their tales continue to inspire Bantayan warriors forever more.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Heart of the LupulanNo matter where you begin and where you end, all paths through the Lupulan must pass through the lands of Bukit Bantay. This central position gives Bantayan merchants and trade officials a distinct advantage in being able to pick out the best goods and wares that flow through the nation from all corners of the jungle for their own caravans, with which they will earn a tidy profit.
+15% Caravan Power

Spirit Charged BladesThe Bantayan kris is a weapon feared by warriors familiar with Bukit Bantay. These wave-bladed daggers, with hilts of ivory and sheathes inlaid with gems and precious metals, are forged not just to injure the flesh or to kill a man, but to trap the souls of those its wielder defeats within its patterned blade. These bound souls are then used to enhance the kris’s wielder with powerful magics, such as to give them enough strength to wrestle three harimari or be agile enough to run upon dewdrops on the jungle leaves. But those who seek to harness the power of a kris must beware, for if their own soul is not strong enough to tame those within the blade…
+10% Shock Damage

-10% Regiment Costs


