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Primary Culture

+10% Domestic Trade Power
-20% Unjustified Demands

Sacking Of DeshakIn 1430, Brrtekuh would launch her greatest offensive campaign against Deshak, with the intent to carve out a kingdom for her pack beyond the sands. Brrtekuh's cunning nature and advanced tactics saw her easily conquer eastern Deshak before proceeding to the capital, where she then slaughtered the entire royal family, even devouring the queen in a display of dominance.\n\nHowever, tragedy struck when Brrtekuh's gnoll pack faced the last of Deshak's guards outside the palace, and Brrtekuh suffered an injury that left her permanently brain damaged. Stricken by grief, her pack retreated across the mountains to try and save their leader, along with the spoils of the pillaged kingdom. While Deshak was able to reclaim the lands taken by the gnolls with the assistance of their new monarchs in Eborthíl, the Brrtekuh pack would remain a constant threat on their southern border
+50% Available Loot

The Sandspite PactWhen the Viakkoc pack began their march north following their defeat at Kheterata, they had to pass through the lands of Brrtekuh. With their great leader still comatose, Brrtekuh’s lieutenants made a deal with these newcomers, allowing them safe passage through their lands in return for a pact against the Akasi kingdoms in order to avenge their leader.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Ancestral BoneyardsEndocannibalism is a common trait among gnollish cultures, but the gnolls of Brrtekuh treated it with a level of veneration above most others. The consumption of the dead was an important rite, the relatives of a dead gnoll would gather in a sacred Boneyard, sites hidden throughout the Brrtekan lands where they would devour their forebears under the guidance of the mystic Vog Mekza, the 'Carrion Shepherds'. By consuming their ancestors, the gnolls of Brrtekuh believed they inherited a piece of the departed gnolls spirit that infused them with their wisdom. Each gnoll was thus believed to be linked on a spiritual level, contributing to the legendary unity of the Brrtekan pack.
-10% Idea Cost

Splitter Of The SandsWhile their rivals in Irkorzik used the desert to their advantage, for the gnolls of Brrtekuh the desert was not an ally to be harnessed, but a foe to be broken and tamed, split apart with stone and force of will. The Brrtekuh pack established a network of Life-Giver Fortresses or "Toxasag-Akaz" throughout the Western Krahway to secure the valuable oases and deny passage to rival packs, allowing them to establish dominance over much of the West Salahad
+15% Fort Defence

Butcher BladesThe warriors of Brrtekuh became renowned for their cleaver-like axes and aggressive fighting style, cackling and howling at the top of their lungs to frighten the enemy. Their vicious axes served equally well for slicing up meat after the battle and fearsome rumours began to spread amongst their foes about Brrtekan gnolls stopping mid-battle to chop up injured soldiers and eat them alive
+15% National Supply Limit Modifier
+10% Morale Damage

Undying LoyaltyWhen Brrtekuh finally passed from the world, her pack were distraught and mourned for many days. Most gnoll packs would not survive the death of a powerful leader, but the gnolls of Brrtekuh are not most gnolls. The lieutenants or "Mazukxiem" who had been ruling the pack during their leader's illness had inherited some of Brrtekuh’s legendary cunning. By consuming her body between them, they convinced the rest of the pack that Brrtekuh’s spirit and wisdom was now with them and that they could continue to rule in her stead.\n\nA tradition of leadership by council began in Brrtekuh, with powerful warriors, merchants and shamans taking up further seats on this ruling body. Those that died or were disgraced would be ritually consumed by the other council members and thus symbolically pass on a piece of Brrtekuh to the next generation.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

My Life For The PackVeneration of Brrtekuh and the leaders who were said to carry her spirit became an integral part of Brrtekan culture, many families would decorate their homes with symbols expressing their loyalty to the pack, the crossed axes of Brrtekuh, defiled Akasi relics or carvings of important leaders both past and present.\n\nSo fanatic was this leadership cult, that in the twilight years of the Brrtekuh pack, when their generals ordered some warriors to strap themselves with explosives and run at fortifications, they willingly obeyed, ready to die for the pack.
+1 Leader Siege

-0.1 Yearly Corruption


