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Primary Culture

-10% Fort Maintenance
+20% Garrison Size

Echoes of the Wisp KingCovered in a canon of literary texts covering the history of the region after the creation of Daravan's Folly in the 670s. The Puckmuth Cycle concerns the life and times of King Puck, a fey changeling that tricked his way into forming his own tribal kingdom in The Borders, who was later tricked by Irisi Wispsiren, an avatar of Nerat. It is said that the tyrannous King Puck was led to believe that his true fey parents were calling him home, and followed a will-o-the-wisp bound to Irisi's control deep into the marshes. The Puckmuth Cycle ends with a scene meant to be written from present day, of a lone wisp teetering at the edge of the marshes, as if it was trying to return home.
-1 National Unrest

A Bulwark of Two BordersThroughout history, the Brinkmarches has often stood at the edge of empires. The Dostanorian Dominion of Castanor, the Phoenix Empire, Anbennar. This has earned the region a reputation as one so hard to take that in facing its people, an empire can drink its fill of the blood struggles of conquest. Retaining the ferocity of the old Milcori tribes, the valor and savage might of the men and women of the Eastborders is renowned throughout Cannor. Those few who deem it fitting to break the bonds of their family clan and venture beyond the insular region are coveted as adventures, mercenaries, and bodyguards, counting among their number heroes who have served with distinction alongside prestigious gatherings of heroes such as the Aldresians, the Sapphire Eye, and the Marcher Lords of the Greentide.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Elite of the Salt LionWe are the shield, the sword, and the armor of Arannen. The army of the Marches is made only of the most elite soldiers of the Arannese. To prevent Corvuria from taking over the Marches via foul magic, spies or worse, any suspicion of a betrayal of Arannen's interests is punished with prison or exile from the Marches. Of our number, the most distinguished are invited to join the Close Guard of the Marquis, an elite unit who have proudly defended our rulers from assassinations and intrigue since their establishment in 1238 by Marquis Walter I. Said to be the saltiest of the Salt Lions, these fierce disciplinarians ensure that every recruit is kept in line from the day they arrive to the one that they retire, or more often, end up face down in the mud of the marshes.
+5% Discipline

Puzzle Stones of PuckmuthOur borders are well protected by the Dostanesck and the Varinn, but what makes the two borders impermeable to any invasion are the numerous fortresses lining the shores of the two rivers that separate us from the gnolls and Corvuria. The most impressive of them is the fortress of Puckmuth, where the two rivers meet. The hill on which it stands is lined with ancient, crumbling stones rumored to stretch back to the depths of time, to fortifications that stood well before even the Castanite Exodus.\n\nThe latest fortress on the site was built following the establishment of the modern state of the Brinkmarches during the Aldresian Crusade, but even it remains influenced by our unique regional style. The unseen, puzzle-piece protrusions that intricately weave the stones of our walls into unyielding patterns make our fortifications especially resilient to spells, cannons, and any other trouble that would come up against them. While some may call it inefficient and overly complicated, the quiet and simple lives of the Brinkmarchers hardly leave us wanting for time to shape them.
+10% Fort Defence

Honour and ProfessionalismSome may think that in this era of mercenaries and adventurers, we are unprepared to face a sudden invasion from the newly resettled Folly. This is false.\n\nWe must affirm that our dedicated soldiers are trained day and night to face any force that would dare attacking Arannen. Many adventurers have tried to sell their skills to us, but we will always refuse those shifty tramps, only attracted to money and fame. While we'll gladly accept the cream of the Arannese army bolstering our own, the hardy folk of the Eastborders would only have our valor and martial tradition diluted by far-flung foreigners who have no connection to the lands we've defended since time immemorial.
+15% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Holes of the DreadmireMost of Arannen's famed artillery detachments are actually trained in the Brinkmarches. On the very eastern edge of the Brinkmarches lies a fort overlooking the vast expanse of Daravan's Folly, also known as the Dreadmire, and it is here where the latest in Arannese cannonry is tested, firing rounds into the marshes day and night.\n\nWould-be travellers into the Folly are warned to avoid this place, if it not for the bombardment, but the risk of falling and drowning in the large water-filled craters left in the wake of the latest tests and experimentation.
-10% Artillery Cost
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

To Protect Arannen ForeverWhile many Marquis come and go, our military is the most stable and reliable force at the disposal of Arannen. As Arannen expands into the Borders, more soldiers join the wardens of the Marches, eager to count themselves among the ranks of a force renowned for its quality and discipline.\n\nWere we to fail, our lands would provide ambitious invaders a path to the heart of the Empire. Thus, we must protect Arannen at all costs, even if we find ourselves under the thumb of an inept Marquis as so many before, calling out yet another wave of our brothers to their final rest in the marshes.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

+10% Reinforce Speed


