Brenulan Ideas

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+100% Army Tradition From Battles
+1 Missionaries

Expeditionary Army of EnlightenmentOur state can trace its origins to a Kelino expedition, sent out by a Yanglam king to enlighten the land and fully chart its secrets. Clearly, they have succeeded, to some degree or another. Our goal remains much the same, though somewhat modified by the rigors of time.\n\nBrenulan will spread the Kelino culture, ruthlessly chart every unexplored temple, and - most especially - we shall spread the doctrine of High Philosophy. Perhaps this unity of purpose is why our missionaries work so well.
+2% Missionary Strength

Guiding Hand of BulaklakThough our state started as an expedition, it quite obviously did not stay that way. The third captain of our force, a woman named Bulaklak, found the Brenulan Expedition in a poor state. Although few appreciated her genius, she was able to demonstrate it in good time. Her reforms refilled the Brenulan coffers, filled the army with men, and replaced the old administration with a system so efficient we use it even today.\n\nHer genius is the reason we are an independent country today - having defeated Arawkelin without even a single arrow fired - and her reforms, visible even today, are doubtlessly why we are still independent from our old overlords today.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+5% National Tax Modifier

Anchor of the LupulanThe apple of Arawkelin's eye, Brenulan hosts the only functioning Great Temple in all of the inner Lupulan Rainforest. The secrets within this temple were pillaged clean long ago, but it is far from unusable. All functions of state report to this temple, used as a clean and orderly headquarters for our administration. It requires little maintenance, and needs no warding from malignant spirits - the anchor of our state, and the normalcy of Lupulan.\n\nIts ground floors are used for monastic purposes, the first place any questioning pilgrims. This unique pedigree grants Brenulan a host of advantages.
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Rule of the DaringAn expedition lives or dies on its leader's merit. Blood cannot rule, and neither can popularity. We still hold true to these principles. Known as the rule of the daring, the leader is selected by number of expeditions. It is only through that experience that a truly great leader might emerge.\n\nEveryone trips over one another to place themselves alone at the top of the leaderboard to lead Brenulan next. As a result, there is always someone self-trained for any conceivable situation.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

The Drifting TownsThe Lupulan Rainforest suffers heavy rainfall and, consequently, heavier flooding. Most other places used stilts to build their towns above the flood level. The natives of Brenulan, however, saw differently. They built their buildings like boats, allowing them to float with the floodwater.\n\nAs time went on, the Brenulan Expedition created systems of locks to ensure that all these buildings remained accounted for. This style proved exceptionally cheap to create and maintain.
-20% Construction Cost

Mystical Kris BladesUntil recently, spirit-harming weapons have been a mediocre pursuit. Any blade suitable to slay a spirit would have been forged by magic, which as a result creates a brittle weapon that shatters against any conventional armor. The progression of technology has given way to a fusion of elven magic and Yanglam smithing, wherein powerful magic is worked into a conventional blade during smithing.\n\nThe end result is a sword able to hurt and slay spirits with as much ease as a regular man. Originally a specialist weapon, these new kris blades became standard-issue for all Brenulan soldiers, who could now fight both man and spirit equally.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Dukans for the SickThe natives of Brenulan placed great importance upon their shamans, and the Brenulan Expedition retained much of it. These shamans were called dukans, and had a very special part in Brenulan society.\n\nThe dukans, though unable to heal conventional wounds, are uniquely capable of healing nearly any non-physical wound a spirit could inflict. Gasps of fear, unreasonable anger, even inhuman hunger; all of these can be removed by ritual or by elixir. As it happens, many of our country's problems are caused by spirits. The dukans can fix many of them.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

-15% War Score Cost vs Other Religions