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Primary Culture

+100% Army Tradition From Battles
+1 Land Leader Shock

Terror of the Dread FangKetemcaka, Ibekisedara, Great Fetengoni: when these kingdoms encroached into Sitewosi land, many Sitewosi expected their hold to wane after a few decades, as all Yeteferen invasions had before. But for centuries the eastern jungle was under the rule of the Prosperous, with Sitewosi kings like those of Saposakosa adopting their ways and straying from local traditions. Not forever though, in 1412 the Lesser King Lishan I who served under the King of Saposakosa declared a surprising war of conquest against Ketemcaka, without the order or approval of his liege. Even more surprisingly Lishan defeated the armies of the Wood-Chopper Kings in a gruelling war, earning him the name "Rifan Afu", the Dread Fang, for the brutality of his soldiers and the acts they committed unto their fellow servants of the One True God. This horror played a key part in eroding the morale of Bosonkikon’s enemies, causing them to run back to the safety of the river Yet in fear, leaving the jungle for what Lishan I aimed to ensure eternity.
+10% Morale Damage

The Bloody BlueInformation is key to victory in trade and war. Many Sitewosi lips are too loose to be trusted with key knowledge; too many of them spread what they hear to the ears of the Yeteferen invaders for us to place faith easily. Lishan I created a system of speaking in his army, whereby information was delivered based on importance and listed in colour. Colours ranged from green, being common knowledge one may speak to civilians, to crimson red that was only allowed to be heard by the ears of the king himself. The most well-known colour was light blue, orders that could be heard by anyone of higher rank than a common warrior. The colour became infamous in the army, as many a footsoldier who overheard such a message, accidentally or otherwise, was promptly executed, giving birth to the nickname Bloody Blue. Soldiers knew well to walk away or cover their ears when a runner came carrying a sash of such a colour.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

Keep Them GuessingThe brutality that shattered the Ketemcakan army was not enough to topple their more hardy kin in Ibekisedara, whose martial tradition runs back far longer. Instead, to deal with their small but elite army, Lishan I split his forces among lesser kings he deemed talented, declaring them his trusted generals and forcing his whole army to swear to serve them as they would him. In sync, the Dread Fang and his generals raided and warred along the jungle border, with their swift manoeuvring leaving the Ibekisedaran forces unable to arrive in time to stop the offensive. Over time, the opposing forces became more and more spread out trying to predict where the Bosonkikoni army would strike. Despite the experience of Getametaki’s armies they were reduced to confused kittens lunging at spots of sunlight reflected off our blades. The Kings of Bosonkikon after Lishan I kept his habit of choosing generals among the logistically-minded, keeping generations of potential invaders running about like fools, futilely trying to apprehend the forces of the upstart King.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Our First and Fastest FriendSitewosi, the people of the lakes and the jungle, the people of two, even in name, never alone. Despite this land belonging to our people, the Yeteferen and their loyalists within the jungle name us aggressors. Despite our people being forced to adopt foreign language and tradition whilst the sacred jungles and marshlands are burned and diked, we are named brutal and warmongering. As such, in our early days we were, despite our people’s name, fighting the invaders on our own. The infamy of the Dread Fang rendered null any hope of alliances. Not forever - for though less clever kings were fooled by the Yeteferen dragging our king’s name through the dirt, there are wise diplomats deeper in the marshes. From Kidsit Yiti between the two greater lakes aid came to us: weapons, funds, and most importantly words of encouragement and endorsement. \n\n"King Lishan I is named ungodly by his enemies and we are advised to keep from seeking his friendship, yet I say to all you who forsake Bosonkikon in their war: what enemy did not call his foe ungodly and stir tales of his wrongdoing? We of Kidsit Yiti name King Lishan a noble servant of Amilak, and ask of all Sitewosi who spurn his friendship: what reparation should be given an invader who mutilates The One True God’s sacred jungle but a mutilation in return? Cast away your fear in favour of admiration and rally to take his hand in yours, for the Dread Fang is rightly defender of our people in the east as are we in the south!"
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Rifanaman CouncilOn a steep hill next to a deep blue lake far in the jungle lies a large wooden house, Rifanaman: the Dreadhouse. It was built by Lishan II in his youth as a place of rest and healing for his father’s weary soldiers. The house is situated upon wooden poles and surrounded by a thick palisade, its height placing it far above the humidity of the jungle. It rapidly grew to become more than a house of healing, though the majority of its residents would always remain such. Litby wax candles hanging from vast beams, one could find most of the lesser kings of Bosonkikon, along with any of the Dread Fang’s off duty generals, debating furiously in the scent of plundered Yeteferen incense floating in wisps through the fresh breeze. Lishan II fostered a culture of discussion between the recovering soldiers and the resident lesser kings, so that accounts of battle would be brought to the ears of these eager minds, and holes in Bosonkikon’s strategy quickly healed, just as the ones in our soldiers.
-10% Military Technology Cost

Berradanyi"Gathering an army and fighting battles is always smooth and problem free, the issues start happening around dinnertime after the fighting’s over." \n\nSuch were words of Lishan I. His vast armies always easily crushed his urbanised foes, but there was never enough food, let alone arrows or spears to keep them supplied in the depths of the hostile jungle. As such Lishan I established what became known as the ‘farmer hunters’, or Berradanyi in Mengi. These were raiding armies whose task, rather than to fight the enemy directly, was to steal and forage across their land, securing resources needed to keep the King’s campaigns running, depriving our foes of their supplies.
+10% Available Loot
+50% Looting Speed

Palewood PalacesThrough centuries we have lived in this jungle. Where fools would seek to tame such places completely, sowing neat rows of dedicatedly bred trees and cutting down all undergrowth, we have no such foolish ambition. As in any deal, any relationship, there is a give and take, a compromise: over the centuries this softer, more harmonising manipulation of the trees gave birth to the Palewood, with thick trunks, winding branches and large round green leaves, these trees hide behind their plain bark a wood of purest white. Treasure to us of Bosonkikon, and a sign of Amilak’s favour in tending the forest, this wood is rare and used only in the most important construction, reserved in most cases to be carved into ornaments, to be traded abroad or kept as heirlooms. It is said the Palewood grows only on the land of a most pious king or lesser king, and truly pious is the man who can afford a house of them, for wonderful as they are, few have ever been built.
+10% Global Trade Power

+20% Improve Relations


